Friday, March 30, 2007

ONC Cell Mates

Catchy name, huh?!? Traci talked to me about doing the Relay for Life this year with our cell group (which happens to be called M.O.D. Squad - can you tell we like crazy names?). We both thought it sounded like fun and really wanted to help support cancer research. Cancer is such a big things that affects each and every one of us at some point! So...we began to talk and decided to open it up to all of the cell groups at ONC. We decided it would be a great way for us to help in the fight against cancer, have a great time & grow together as a body of Christ, and most importantly, to get our church out into the community rather than confined within the walls of our church building.

So...we are now co-captains heading up a team (with a cool name don't forget - and if you haven't figured it out, I'll help you...ONC for Oregon Nazarene Church, Cell because we're working with our cell groups to make a team, and Mates because we're all working's not because we all have criminal records!). :-) We are really looking forward to this great event and what we can do as a church. You know the Bible says that, where two or three are gathered in His name, He is there. Imagine what could happen at the Relay if we had several gathered in His name!

If you are interested in joining our team, feel free to contact Traci or me. If you'd like to help out financially (donations are greatly appreciated), you can sponsor me via the web at All you have to do is click on the Sponsor Participant link on the left and then type in my first and last name (Michelle Park). It will let you know what to do from there.

We'd also appreciate your prayers for this great event! It takes place at Clay High School on Friday, June 15th, and Saturday, June 16th.

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