Saturday, May 26, 2007

Job Update

I can't remember how much I've blogged about my job situation in the past so I'll start by giving you a quick overview. Due to HB 66, our district is losing millions of dollars in personal tangible property tax. Therefore, there will be a levy put up this November, but the Board of Education also had to make cuts for next year. The past several months have been up & down with me not knowing where I stood. There were several cut lists that were passed around. I was safe on the first, cut on the second & third, and safe on the fourth. During this entire time, I didn't know what would happen, but I had a constant peace about the situation. I knew that it was out of my control, and that God would help me through no matter what happened.

The official cuts were announced, and I am safe! It's nice to know that I have my job come next year, but there is no promise for the following year. However, I was also granted my tenure (a continuing contract - a good thing for me to get). Unfortunately my friend, Traci, was not so lucky. My heart goes out to her - I just feel terrible!

In the midst of all of this, I was given information about an administrative position I was qualified for. I had mixed emotions about this position, but I felt that if the door was opened I needed to walk through. So...I prepared my administrative resume & cover letter and sent it off to the school not knowing where this might lead. On Thursday, I received an e-mail stating that they had already filled the position. That made me appreciate not being cut even more! far as I know...I'll be teaching elementary music once again at Starr Elementary for the upcoming school year. If anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know.

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