Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Single's Perspective on Valentine's Day

I dread Valentine's Day with a passion! As a single person, I sometimes struggle with the "couple" mentality in today's society - it seems everything is based on 2's or even numbers. Do you have any idea how many times I've been looked at strange or questioned when I ask for a table for one? I do know that many single people do not like to do things alone, but I have decided that it's not worth living a different life - I don't let being single be a hindrance. But...Valentine's Day just seems to shove it in your face. Don't get me wrong...I'm so happy for the people who have found that special love, but I just find myself feeling very lonely which totally stinks!

How do I deal with it? For years, I've protested Valentine's Day and have worn black instead of red. I guess you could say it was my bit of rebellion, but it really only meant something to me. But this year...I've decided to do something different. I'm going to try & embrace it a bit more (may even wear red), and I'm going to take myself out to supper. I've decided I'm not going to sit in my house all alone & eat a meal here at home. Instead I'm going to go out to eat where there are people surrounding me. I'll let you know how that goes. :-)


Anonymous said...

You'll always be my valentine Babe, what a positive attitude you show in your writings. It has to be an inspiration to others as they read your comments. Love Ya, DAD

Sharon said...

Oh what a sweet dad!!! You are so blessed to have him!

Michelle said...

I do have a great dad & consider myself blessed! :-)