Sunday, June 1, 2008


So much has happened since my last post, but I just haven't taken the time to update you all. Sorry! :-) you go - updates (to the best of my ability to remember). :-)

The first piece of info is that Jodi had her baby! Olivia Elizabeth arrived on May 21st weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was a big baby (Jodi is very petite) but she's absolutely beautiful! I was blessed to be there & was able to experience it, but it was also great for me to be there for Lauren. This has really changed her life - a bit too much for a little 4 year old to comprehend all at once. All are home & doing well, and Lauren has quickly accepted her role of "big sister" as well as "mommy's helper".

Last weekend was an amazing weekend - one of the best I can remember having in quite awhile. It began with us (Soul Venture - the name of our group) traveling to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for some weekend concerts (3 mini concerts & one full concert). It was a busy schedule, but the church was very nice to us & seemed to really enjoy our music. My highlight was having Feras (a very good friend from college who I haven't seen in 3 years) show up at our full concert on Sunday. It was so good to see him! We were able to talk for a while after the concert, and then he helped us load up our equipment. He ended up going to lunch with us so we were able to talk quite a bit. It was a great afternoon!

After Feras & I said good-bye, I drove 25 minutes west to Columbia City, Indiana where I met up with the Garcia family (friends I met at SoloCon Great Lakes). They were all meeting at their brother's place for the holiday weekend - Caron, Carlo & Samuel were there from Colorado...Joel, Olivia & Daniel were also there from Colorado...Deanna was there from college in Kentucky...and the rest of the Garcia clan was there from Mason, Michigan. We had such a great time & laughed so hard! It made me miss Caron & Deanna even more than I already did. :-) Some of the highlight from my short visit with them (not including our talks & laughs) were having to bait the fishing hook for Carlo, getting to know Samuel (he just recently turned one & I haven't seen him since he was a few days old), giggin' (frog hunting to those who don't know the terminology) & going 4 wheeling. It was a great ending to fabulous holiday weekend.

I returned home with a full cup...all I could think of was the line from one of my favorite movies...My cup runneth over.

The week went by without any major incidences but was shortened thanks to my allergy appointment on Thursday afternoon. After my appointment, I hit the road & headed for Charleston, WV where I was meeting mom & dad. We drove into the hotel parking lot behind each other...they were coming from Charlotte, NC & I was coming from here in Oregon. How's that for timing?!? We couldn't have planned it better if we'd tried! :-) We spent Thursday & Friday night in the hotel and then headed back to our homes after lunch on Saturday.

On my way back from Charleston, I made a slight detour to meet my friend, Ralph, in Delaware for supper. We had a nice time together as usual before I made my final trip home.

Today I've spent most of the day just relaxing & getting ready for my final week of school. Just in case you're wondering...I have 3 1/2 days left! :-)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Busy busy busy!!! That's what we are!!! I'm sure you'll be excited when schools out tomorrow!!!