While there are still times when I catch myself thinking about him, I'm on the mend & heading towards recovery. I know there will still be tough times...he really meant a lot to me (and we had already made several plans for the future), but I'm also resting in the fact that if it's not supposed to be Matt...God must have something really good in store for me! I continue to rest in my life verse:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Family & Friends
Putting the Christian aspect aside for a moment (because I know that God is always there for me), I just want to say how thankful I am for my family & friends. I don't know how I would have made it through the past two days without them! They have been there with listening ears, prayers, words of advice, and they've even offered to beat Matt up...maybe knock some sense into him (Traci thinks she could take him and my aunt offered to help out as well). :-) I really appreciate that they've been there for me through the good times and are now there for me during the tears & broken heart.
Thanks you guys!
Thanks you guys!
A Good Workout, but a Rough Afternoon
I had trouble getting to sleep last night, but once I fell asleep (I totally crashed on the couch & didn't wake up until 5:30 a.m.), I slept really well. When I woke up, I was angry which totally fueled my workout at the gym. Yesterday I jogged for 30 minutes. During that time, I went 3.75 miles & burned off 401 calories. Today...I jogged for 30 minutes and went 4.6 miles & burned 535 calories. It felt good to release some of the tension, and I felt much better when I left the gym.
Now, though, I'm just sitting here in a daze. It's still hard for me to think about Matt not being part of my life. I know some may find this crazy since we haven't dated that long, but in the 3 months that we've been together, I've experienced a love for him that I've never experienced before. He'd also talked to me about our wedding (we actually had our wedding party picked out & a few plans made) and about children (we had decided on an even number...I was leaning towards 2, but he was interested in possibly having 4). It's hard for me to comprehend how we go for those plans to him calling & telling me it's just not going to work out.
I find myself waiting for my phone to ring with his ringer (I had the song "You Had Me From Hello" set as his ringer)...or looking forward to seeing him (he was supposed to come over tonight)...the list goes on and on. One simple phone call has really changed my life!
I miss him!
Now, though, I'm just sitting here in a daze. It's still hard for me to think about Matt not being part of my life. I know some may find this crazy since we haven't dated that long, but in the 3 months that we've been together, I've experienced a love for him that I've never experienced before. He'd also talked to me about our wedding (we actually had our wedding party picked out & a few plans made) and about children (we had decided on an even number...I was leaning towards 2, but he was interested in possibly having 4). It's hard for me to comprehend how we go for those plans to him calling & telling me it's just not going to work out.
I find myself waiting for my phone to ring with his ringer (I had the song "You Had Me From Hello" set as his ringer)...or looking forward to seeing him (he was supposed to come over tonight)...the list goes on and on. One simple phone call has really changed my life!
I miss him!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A Strange Turn of Events
To be very up front & frank...today has been a really hard day for me! It started out like any "normal" day. I got up & had breakfast, and then I went to the gym to work out. When I got home from the gym, I did a load of laundry & made lunch. After lunch was done, I started to do some dishes. And then...my cell phone rang.
When I looked to see who was calling, I was pleased to see it was Matt calling me from work. I answered & asked how his day was going. He told me it was going fine, and then he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think things were going to work out between us. Imagine my shock & surprise! I literally didn't do anything but continue to say "okay". I didn't know what to say! If I had made guesses as to what was coming out of his mouth, I would never have guessed those words.
He said that I've been a very good friend over the past few months (not what I wanted to hear...and if he does everything with his "friends" that he's done with me the past few months...I've really been missing out on my friendships with the opposite sex). He also said that I have some great qualities & would make someone a great wife, but he just didn't think I was the one for him.
The crazy thing for me is that we were just together last night. He was a bit quite so I even asked him if everything was alright. He said that it was, and so I asked specifically if everything was alright with us. He once again said that it was. We even made plans for us to spend the evening together on Thursday, and we talked about some future plans we've made (I had tickets for us to go see a Detroit Tigers game on the Sunday I get back from North Carolina, we bought tickets to go to the drag races with Don & Sharon - friends from Sidney, we made reservations for my 15 year class reunion, and we talked about a wedding we were going to go to on Sept. 1). Through this entire process, he never let on that anything was wrong. In fact, he told me twice that we were good! Just last week we talked about me going dancing with one of my male friends, and he wasn't thrilled about it so I didn't go. But...when he called today, he said he's been thinking about this for a while now.
So...why didn't he want me to go dancing with Don? Why did he make plans to go to the races with me? Why did he agree to go to my class reunion? Why did he make plans with me to go to the wedding? Why did he make plans to come to my house on Thursday? Why did he tell me two times that we were good? Why in the world did he kiss me last night?
There are so many thoughts going through my head! Now the tears have started to flow again so I'm going to go do dishes in hope that it'll get my mind off him.
I'd really appreciate your prayers! I'm going to cling to my verse, Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that He has a plan for me & that He doesn't intend for me to be hurt (although it's hard to think about now as I'm hurting so bad). But...I know that God is in control, and with Him (and the support of my family & friends), I'll make it through. This too shall pass!
When I looked to see who was calling, I was pleased to see it was Matt calling me from work. I answered & asked how his day was going. He told me it was going fine, and then he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think things were going to work out between us. Imagine my shock & surprise! I literally didn't do anything but continue to say "okay". I didn't know what to say! If I had made guesses as to what was coming out of his mouth, I would never have guessed those words.
He said that I've been a very good friend over the past few months (not what I wanted to hear...and if he does everything with his "friends" that he's done with me the past few months...I've really been missing out on my friendships with the opposite sex). He also said that I have some great qualities & would make someone a great wife, but he just didn't think I was the one for him.
The crazy thing for me is that we were just together last night. He was a bit quite so I even asked him if everything was alright. He said that it was, and so I asked specifically if everything was alright with us. He once again said that it was. We even made plans for us to spend the evening together on Thursday, and we talked about some future plans we've made (I had tickets for us to go see a Detroit Tigers game on the Sunday I get back from North Carolina, we bought tickets to go to the drag races with Don & Sharon - friends from Sidney, we made reservations for my 15 year class reunion, and we talked about a wedding we were going to go to on Sept. 1). Through this entire process, he never let on that anything was wrong. In fact, he told me twice that we were good! Just last week we talked about me going dancing with one of my male friends, and he wasn't thrilled about it so I didn't go. But...when he called today, he said he's been thinking about this for a while now.
So...why didn't he want me to go dancing with Don? Why did he make plans to go to the races with me? Why did he agree to go to my class reunion? Why did he make plans with me to go to the wedding? Why did he make plans to come to my house on Thursday? Why did he tell me two times that we were good? Why in the world did he kiss me last night?
There are so many thoughts going through my head! Now the tears have started to flow again so I'm going to go do dishes in hope that it'll get my mind off him.
I'd really appreciate your prayers! I'm going to cling to my verse, Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that He has a plan for me & that He doesn't intend for me to be hurt (although it's hard to think about now as I'm hurting so bad). But...I know that God is in control, and with Him (and the support of my family & friends), I'll make it through. This too shall pass!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Finally...A Picture
Monday, June 25, 2007
Another Softball Update
Tonight's game was a bit embarrassing. Our bats were on fire, and the poor team we were playing couldn't seem to do anything right. They really had a tough night, and I felt sorry for them!
Jeff, our coach, put us subs in at the bottom of the 3rd inning (we usually sub in during the bottom of the 4th) because he knew the game would get called. I took the field for the bottom of the 3rd & the bottom of the 4th, and then the game was called. I didn't even get to hit tonight! :-( Oh, well! At least it was a victory for us. :-)
Jeff, our coach, put us subs in at the bottom of the 3rd inning (we usually sub in during the bottom of the 4th) because he knew the game would get called. I took the field for the bottom of the 3rd & the bottom of the 4th, and then the game was called. I didn't even get to hit tonight! :-( Oh, well! At least it was a victory for us. :-)
Our Golf Adventure
So...here's a story you'll all get a kick out of. Traci & I had a good laugh over this today.
M.O.D. Squad (our cell group from church) went putt-putting yesterday. While we were there, Traci mentioned that her & I should go golfing again this summer. We haven't been golfing together in 2 years. So...we decided to try to do it today. When I got home from putt-putting, I jumped on the internet to look at the local courses (I'd heard the course we typically go to - Collins Park - had gone up in price so I was looking to see if there was anything cheaper). I found a couple of par 3 courses in Michigan that were less than $15, but they were a half hour away. Then...I found "it"!
What is "it" you may ask? "It" is the Bay View Retirees Golf Club. On the internet, it was listed as a public course that you could play for $8 (which included a cart). I was a bit leery...especially given the name so I called this morning when I got up. A very nice man answered the phone & explained that it was indeed a public course that it was open to anyone. He also told me that it was only $4 to play the course if we wanted to walk it. My first thought was that you get what you pay for, but I figured I hadn't been out golfing in over a year & a half so who cared what the course looked like...at least I'd get out & swing my clubs.
So...I went to pick Traci up & off we went. We followed the directions directly to the course. Our first sign that something wasn't quite right...we were by far the youngest people in the parking lot. We started to laugh & make some jokes at this point. Traci suggested we go in & pay before we unloaded anything (I'm so glad she did). As we entered the office, we met four older gentlemen who looked at us quite oddly...sign #2. After they stared a bit, they asked if they could help us. I explained that we wanted to play a round of 9, and the gentleman behind the counter (turned out to be the one I had talked to earlier in the morning) asked if we were 50...sign #3. Come to find out, it is a public course that is only $4 to play, but you must be 50 in order to golf on the course (he forgot to mention that when I called earlier).
They began to call local courses for us trying to find out prices, and they began to take advantage of the fact that "two pretty young girls" (as they called us) were standing in their office. Every time someone came in to pay, a comment would be made about the "nice scenery" or the "pleasant surprise". At that point, our four friends would introduce us as their new caddies. :-) They had so much fun with it, and Traci & I couldn't stop laughing.
So...we decided to go to Collins Park and bid them farewell. As we were walking out the door, they said they looked forward to seeing us when we were 50. I told them it would only be a few years. :-)
On a side note, we did find out that Collins Park runs a special every Monday...9 holes of golf & a cart for $12. We plan on starting a new tradition when I get back from vacation. Ahhh...the joys of being a teacher! :-)
M.O.D. Squad (our cell group from church) went putt-putting yesterday. While we were there, Traci mentioned that her & I should go golfing again this summer. We haven't been golfing together in 2 years. So...we decided to try to do it today. When I got home from putt-putting, I jumped on the internet to look at the local courses (I'd heard the course we typically go to - Collins Park - had gone up in price so I was looking to see if there was anything cheaper). I found a couple of par 3 courses in Michigan that were less than $15, but they were a half hour away. Then...I found "it"!
What is "it" you may ask? "It" is the Bay View Retirees Golf Club. On the internet, it was listed as a public course that you could play for $8 (which included a cart). I was a bit leery...especially given the name so I called this morning when I got up. A very nice man answered the phone & explained that it was indeed a public course that it was open to anyone. He also told me that it was only $4 to play the course if we wanted to walk it. My first thought was that you get what you pay for, but I figured I hadn't been out golfing in over a year & a half so who cared what the course looked like...at least I'd get out & swing my clubs.
So...I went to pick Traci up & off we went. We followed the directions directly to the course. Our first sign that something wasn't quite right...we were by far the youngest people in the parking lot. We started to laugh & make some jokes at this point. Traci suggested we go in & pay before we unloaded anything (I'm so glad she did). As we entered the office, we met four older gentlemen who looked at us quite oddly...sign #2. After they stared a bit, they asked if they could help us. I explained that we wanted to play a round of 9, and the gentleman behind the counter (turned out to be the one I had talked to earlier in the morning) asked if we were 50...sign #3. Come to find out, it is a public course that is only $4 to play, but you must be 50 in order to golf on the course (he forgot to mention that when I called earlier).
They began to call local courses for us trying to find out prices, and they began to take advantage of the fact that "two pretty young girls" (as they called us) were standing in their office. Every time someone came in to pay, a comment would be made about the "nice scenery" or the "pleasant surprise". At that point, our four friends would introduce us as their new caddies. :-) They had so much fun with it, and Traci & I couldn't stop laughing.
So...we decided to go to Collins Park and bid them farewell. As we were walking out the door, they said they looked forward to seeing us when we were 50. I told them it would only be a few years. :-)
On a side note, we did find out that Collins Park runs a special every Monday...9 holes of golf & a cart for $12. We plan on starting a new tradition when I get back from vacation. Ahhh...the joys of being a teacher! :-)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My thoughts...
I'm having some trouble sleeping tonight because there's a lot going through my head. So...I thought I'd take a minute to blog. You don't have to respond to this or worry about me...I'm just hoping that if I get things out of my head I'll be able to settle down & go to sleep.
Let me start by saying what I do know. I know that...
1. I've been single for most of my 33 years.
2. I don't have much experience with this "relationship" stuff.
3. I'm a very emotional person who tends to wear her heart on her sleeve.
4. I am very analytical - some say I over analyze my life.
5. I love Matt.
6. I can see my future with Matt.
7. My primary love language is quality time.
8. I'm very thankful for friends who will listen to my ramblings.
Now for the confusing things. I don't understand why...
1. It's so hard to transition from being single to being a couple.
2. Relationships are so hard.
3. My emotions get the best of me - even when I try to be rational.
4. I continue to analyze every detail. Why can't I just live life sometimes?
5. I question my love for Matt at times & especially question his love/intentions.
6. Thinking about my future can be so scary.
7. Quality time is such a problem for some.
8. I feel like I'm battling friends for a position of priority.
As I'm typing this, it just suddenly hit me that I've done a lot of thinking about this & have even talked to a couple of friends. But...the one thing I haven't done (and what I should have done from the beginning) is pray. So...I'm going to sign off & go have a chat with God.
Thanks for listening!
Let me start by saying what I do know. I know that...
1. I've been single for most of my 33 years.
2. I don't have much experience with this "relationship" stuff.
3. I'm a very emotional person who tends to wear her heart on her sleeve.
4. I am very analytical - some say I over analyze my life.
5. I love Matt.
6. I can see my future with Matt.
7. My primary love language is quality time.
8. I'm very thankful for friends who will listen to my ramblings.
Now for the confusing things. I don't understand why...
1. It's so hard to transition from being single to being a couple.
2. Relationships are so hard.
3. My emotions get the best of me - even when I try to be rational.
4. I continue to analyze every detail. Why can't I just live life sometimes?
5. I question my love for Matt at times & especially question his love/intentions.
6. Thinking about my future can be so scary.
7. Quality time is such a problem for some.
8. I feel like I'm battling friends for a position of priority.
As I'm typing this, it just suddenly hit me that I've done a lot of thinking about this & have even talked to a couple of friends. But...the one thing I haven't done (and what I should have done from the beginning) is pray. So...I'm going to sign off & go have a chat with God.
Thanks for listening!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Hanging Out with SoloCon Friends
On Thursday, I drove to Indianapolis to stay with two of my friends from SoloCon, Cindy & Debbie. I haven't had a chance to see them since last August so it was so good to spend some time with them. We went shopping, talked alot (not a surprise to anyone who knows me well), and ate at El Rodeo's twice (not a surprise to anyone who knows Cindy & Debbie).
The time went by really fast, but it was a great weekend! They are going to try & come up here for a visit the next time. I hope it works out!
The time went by really fast, but it was a great weekend! They are going to try & come up here for a visit the next time. I hope it works out!
She's Finally Here!
Abigail Grace Daves, my new niece, arrived yesterday, June 22nd, weighing in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. She was 20 1/2 inches long, and as you can see from the picture above, she has a head full of dark hair.
Everyone is doing well, but they are very tired. I'm really looking forward to my visit down south (in just a little over a week) so I can finally meet her!
I love you, Abra Cadabra! :-)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A Dose of Reality
Two of my friends have put this on their blog site, and I decided to steal it as well. Unfortunately...it's quite true. Being in the teaching profession, I've come to see quite a change in the way our children view their lives. Many who would say they are "neglected" or "have it rough" have no idea what others face. We are so spoiled in the United States.
Don't get me wrong...we have people who are starving & those who are neglected, but for the most part, we have no idea - we're so blinded by reality.
Friends of mine are adopting two beautiful little girls from Ethiopia (they leave on July 6th to go pick them up). These two children are currently living in an orphanage where they are only being fed one meal a day because that is all the orphanage can afford.
I guess when you start to see & hear things like this it just makes me start to think about my life & how blessed I truly am. I hope you enjoy the video & see it for what it really is...reality!
Don't get me wrong...we have people who are starving & those who are neglected, but for the most part, we have no idea - we're so blinded by reality.
Friends of mine are adopting two beautiful little girls from Ethiopia (they leave on July 6th to go pick them up). These two children are currently living in an orphanage where they are only being fed one meal a day because that is all the orphanage can afford.
I guess when you start to see & hear things like this it just makes me start to think about my life & how blessed I truly am. I hope you enjoy the video & see it for what it really is...reality!
Baby News
Marsha went in for a doctor's appointment yesterday, and they decided to start the induction this morning. She was to be at the hospital around 6:00 a.m., and he was going to be there by 6:30 a.m. to get everything started.
He's a bit concerned that Abigail may already be too big to fit through the birth canal. So...the plan is to induce Marsha's labor & give her a chance at a natural delivery. If they realize Abigail is not coming down & Marsha's not progressing, then they will have to decide what to do next.
As soon as I hear anything, I'll update you all! I could have a new niece by the end of the day! :-)
He's a bit concerned that Abigail may already be too big to fit through the birth canal. So...the plan is to induce Marsha's labor & give her a chance at a natural delivery. If they realize Abigail is not coming down & Marsha's not progressing, then they will have to decide what to do next.
As soon as I hear anything, I'll update you all! I could have a new niece by the end of the day! :-)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Softball Update
Another team bites the dust....hmmm...there's music floating through my head as I sing that (and another team bites, and another team bites...another team bites the dust). :-) The joys of being a music teacher! :-)
So...we played Calvary tonight & won 12-9. We played a pretty good game - there were a few errors on our part, but thankfully we were able to keep our heads in this game.
I had two hits tonight (one actually went into left field). I also nearly caught a fly ball in right field. I wanted it so bad & went for it, but unfortunately it bounced out of my glove. Oh, well! You can't have it all! At least I stopped the ball. :-)
Our next game will be against Grace at 9:00 p.m. at Railway Park. The nice thing about the late game is that we don't have to worry about the sun! :-)
So...we played Calvary tonight & won 12-9. We played a pretty good game - there were a few errors on our part, but thankfully we were able to keep our heads in this game.
I had two hits tonight (one actually went into left field). I also nearly caught a fly ball in right field. I wanted it so bad & went for it, but unfortunately it bounced out of my glove. Oh, well! You can't have it all! At least I stopped the ball. :-)
Our next game will be against Grace at 9:00 p.m. at Railway Park. The nice thing about the late game is that we don't have to worry about the sun! :-)
Body Blaster
I've been trying to lose some weight since January. It's going pretty well...I've had some ups & downs (literally), but overall I'm nearing the 35 lb. mark. I knew that in order to feel better, tone up while I'm losing, and speed up the process I needed to start exercising. It's not always what I want to do, but I usually end up enjoying myself & feel better. So...I started going to Lifestyles for Ladies last week. My plan is to get up in the morning & head there as soon as I've had breakfast. Once there, I do 30 mins. of cardio (part of my warm-up) and then they showed me how to use the weights (divided into three sections: upper body, lower body, and abs). Last week I would do my 30 mins. of cardio & then did a different weight routine each day. By Saturday, I could barely get out of bed. My abs hurt the worse followed by my pec & arm muscles in a close second.
Now let's talk about the Body Blaster class I started today. I'll begin by telling you there's a reason it's named Body Blaster...it definitely "blasted" my body today! It's an hour long class that combines cardio & toning. I have muscles in my body hurting that I'm not sure I even knew existed! :-) I am definitely feeling the class (I'm told I should appreciate this pain because that means it's working). :-)
So...I'm off to bed shortly & hoping that I can get out of it in the morning! :-) LOL!
Now let's talk about the Body Blaster class I started today. I'll begin by telling you there's a reason it's named Body Blaster...it definitely "blasted" my body today! It's an hour long class that combines cardio & toning. I have muscles in my body hurting that I'm not sure I even knew existed! :-) I am definitely feeling the class (I'm told I should appreciate this pain because that means it's working). :-)
So...I'm off to bed shortly & hoping that I can get out of it in the morning! :-) LOL!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Some of you are going to think I'm pretty strange when you get done reading this (although some of you probably already think I'm strange). :-) But...keep in mind that I'm a social person and enjoy talking (once again...this is not new news to many of you). :-)
So...this has been my first complete week off school. Don't get me wrong...I love the summers & not having to go to work everyday, but I really miss the social aspect. Each morning I've set my alarm for 8:00 a.m. because I don't want to get in the bad habit of staying up late & then sleeping in (which I typically do every summer & then have a hard time getting back into the routine when the new school year approaches). I've also been going to the gym to work out. With that being said, my mornings are pretty full because I usually don't get back from the gym until between 10:30 & 11:00 a.m. By then, I'm starting to get hungry so I've been eating lunch around 11:30. So far so good!
But wait! Now's when I start to drive myself crazy. The afternoon hours seem to creep by & all I have is me, myself & I to keep me company. Yesterday I seemed to hit the peak of boredom...I actually dusted & swept my floors (now that's bored!). After that, I put in a movie but became so stir crazy that I turned it off. I ended up going out to Maumee Bay & walking the boardwalk (a 2 mile nature-filled trek). I put on my mp3 player & went to town.
Unfortunately it only took me about 35 mins. to walk it so there was still a lot of time left before bed. I ended up going to get ice cream with Jeromy & Traci, and then we went back to their house to play games. We had a nice time together, and I greatly appreciated them helping to pass my time.
Now...the new day starts. I'm not going to the gym today because I got a pretty bad blister on my heel during last night's walk. The thought of putting my shoes back on is not a pleasant one at this moment. I do have plans for lunch - Jenn & I are going to take Eva to Levis Commons (they have live music every Friday from 12:00-1:30 p.m. under a tent in the center courtyard). It'll be nice to see them & especially nice to be with someone besides myself! :-) I hope I get used to me soon!
So...this has been my first complete week off school. Don't get me wrong...I love the summers & not having to go to work everyday, but I really miss the social aspect. Each morning I've set my alarm for 8:00 a.m. because I don't want to get in the bad habit of staying up late & then sleeping in (which I typically do every summer & then have a hard time getting back into the routine when the new school year approaches). I've also been going to the gym to work out. With that being said, my mornings are pretty full because I usually don't get back from the gym until between 10:30 & 11:00 a.m. By then, I'm starting to get hungry so I've been eating lunch around 11:30. So far so good!
But wait! Now's when I start to drive myself crazy. The afternoon hours seem to creep by & all I have is me, myself & I to keep me company. Yesterday I seemed to hit the peak of boredom...I actually dusted & swept my floors (now that's bored!). After that, I put in a movie but became so stir crazy that I turned it off. I ended up going out to Maumee Bay & walking the boardwalk (a 2 mile nature-filled trek). I put on my mp3 player & went to town.
Unfortunately it only took me about 35 mins. to walk it so there was still a lot of time left before bed. I ended up going to get ice cream with Jeromy & Traci, and then we went back to their house to play games. We had a nice time together, and I greatly appreciated them helping to pass my time.
Now...the new day starts. I'm not going to the gym today because I got a pretty bad blister on my heel during last night's walk. The thought of putting my shoes back on is not a pleasant one at this moment. I do have plans for lunch - Jenn & I are going to take Eva to Levis Commons (they have live music every Friday from 12:00-1:30 p.m. under a tent in the center courtyard). It'll be nice to see them & especially nice to be with someone besides myself! :-) I hope I get used to me soon!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A Matt Update (if you don't really care...just pretend) :-)
Matt called me this afternoon to let me know he'd went to see his doctor. He's feeling better than he did this weekend, but he's still having some minor stomach problems. The doctor said since all of his tests keep coming back normal (which is a good thing) that the only explanation is that it has to be a food allergy. So...he's to be on the BRAT diet for now (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, & Toast...YUM!), and then they'll start to slowly add foods back in. I'm sure it'll be a long process for Matt, but it'll be worth it if they're able to find out what's causing all of his problems.
Please remember Matt in your prayers because he starts back to work tomorrow. For his job, he's outside & moving a lot (sometimes there's even heavy lifting involved). Since he was dehydrated this weekend, he's been pretty run down. Your prayers for him would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Please remember Matt in your prayers because he starts back to work tomorrow. For his job, he's outside & moving a lot (sometimes there's even heavy lifting involved). Since he was dehydrated this weekend, he's been pretty run down. Your prayers for him would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Monday, June 11, 2007
A Heartbreaking Loss
Our softball game tonight didn't end quite the way we wanted it to, but at least we went out there & gave it our best shot. It was a weird night...some crazy things happened (that may have something to do with the two weeks we've had off - one due to Memorial Day & one due to rain).
On a positive note, I had my best hit of the season tonight! Matt told me after our last game that I should try widening my stance. He said it would give me more power when I swung. So...when I got up to bat for the first time tonight, I remembered what he'd said so I got in my normal stance & then widened my feet a bit. Was it just luck? Did his suggestion work? I don't know, but I know the end result was nice! :-) Unfortunately he wasn't there to see it because he's still a bit under the weather. Bummer!
Oh...I almost forgot! I also played a new position tonight...2nd base. When I took the field, my heart was beating so fast I thought I might hyperventilate! :-) I was extremely nervous, but it went fine. I will say that I'm more comfortable in my usual position (right field), but that could be because that's all I've ever played.
On a positive note, I had my best hit of the season tonight! Matt told me after our last game that I should try widening my stance. He said it would give me more power when I swung. So...when I got up to bat for the first time tonight, I remembered what he'd said so I got in my normal stance & then widened my feet a bit. Was it just luck? Did his suggestion work? I don't know, but I know the end result was nice! :-) Unfortunately he wasn't there to see it because he's still a bit under the weather. Bummer!
Oh...I almost forgot! I also played a new position tonight...2nd base. When I took the field, my heart was beating so fast I thought I might hyperventilate! :-) I was extremely nervous, but it went fine. I will say that I'm more comfortable in my usual position (right field), but that could be because that's all I've ever played.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Cookout & MudHens
Our original plan for today was to have a cookout with Steve & Jenn, and then we were all going to go to the MudHens game. However, due to Matt being so sick, he was unable to do anything today (but he made sure I knew...several times in fact...that he wanted us to go on with our plans). So...then it was going to be the three of us. But...then Steve & Jenn's babysitter was unable to watch Eva so our plans changed once again. They did come over for the cookout & brought Eva with them. After supper, Steve took Eva home & stayed with her so Jenn could go to the game with me. What was supposed to be a couples' night out ended up being a girls' night out, but we had a great time despite all of the changes. And...the MudHens won! :-)
I did feel bad for Matt (and called him to let him know) because Kenny Rogers was the starting pitcher. Kenny plays for the Detroit Tigers (Matt's favorite team), but he's recovering from a shoulder injury so they brought him down to the minor leagues for some rehab. I did get some pictures for him. I hope they turn out well!
I did feel bad for Matt (and called him to let him know) because Kenny Rogers was the starting pitcher. Kenny plays for the Detroit Tigers (Matt's favorite team), but he's recovering from a shoulder injury so they brought him down to the minor leagues for some rehab. I did get some pictures for him. I hope they turn out well!
Another Emergency Room Visit
From previous posts, you know that Matt has been battling some stomach problems which have caused him to be in the emergency room several times during the past several months. Well...last night he made another trip.
On Friday night, he started getting sick shortly after we had supper. Unfortunately, it didn't end there. I called him around noon on Saturday only to find out that he'd been sick all night, and it hadn't stopped yet. When this hits him, it hits him hard...he's unable to keep anything down so the stomach acid continues to make him sick which leads to him becoming dehydrated. We talked again a little after 8:00 p.m. He'd just gotten off the phone with his specialist, but he was going to call his family doctor.
Matt's step dad, Rich, called me around 8:30 p.m. to let me know that Barb (Matt's mom) was on her way to the hospital with Matt. I got dressed & met them there. It was a very long night...we didn't leave the hospital until 3:45 a.m. It took them nearly an hour to get to Matt, but as soon as they were able to get an IV in (they ended up giving him 2 1/2 bags of fluid), they were able to draw blood for his tests and give him some medicine for the nausea. Thankfully that kicked in quickly which allowed him to get some rest (he hadn't slept much due to being so sick).
While Matt was sleeping (and while we were waiting for him to get all of his fluid), Barb & I were able to talk. I really enjoyed her openness & honesty - she has always made me feel so welcomed, but last night I began to feel like part of the family (it was cute...she introduced me as "Matt's girlfriend" to anyone who came in the room). We had an enjoyable time together...or at least as enjoyable as 7 hours in a emergency room can be (especially as you see the next day quickly approaching). I found it funny that we were talking about Matt, but he was oblivious. Barb even told me his nickname...it's so funny! :-) I'm going to wait for the right time to use it & see how he reacts since he doesn't know that I know. :-) It's good to have some inside scoop!
When Matt was finally discharged, he was starting to feel a bit better (he had actually been able to eat a popsicle & keep it down). They sent him home with some of the medicine for nausea hoping that he'd be able to stop it before it got that bad the next time it happens. A friend told me today that he had similar symptoms and found out it was a food allergy. I'm going to have to remember to say something to Matt because they've not been able to find anything else that's causing these problems. It's worth a try!
Today I'm running on....actually...I'm not sure what I'm running on. I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep before I had to get up for church, and I took a nap for a little over an hour this afternoon. Am I tired? Yep...it's starting to hit me. I'm glad I don't have to get up early in the morning! But...with all of that being said...I'm glad that I was able to be there with Matt & his mom. It's a choice I'm glad I made, and I'll make it again if I have to.
On Friday night, he started getting sick shortly after we had supper. Unfortunately, it didn't end there. I called him around noon on Saturday only to find out that he'd been sick all night, and it hadn't stopped yet. When this hits him, it hits him hard...he's unable to keep anything down so the stomach acid continues to make him sick which leads to him becoming dehydrated. We talked again a little after 8:00 p.m. He'd just gotten off the phone with his specialist, but he was going to call his family doctor.
Matt's step dad, Rich, called me around 8:30 p.m. to let me know that Barb (Matt's mom) was on her way to the hospital with Matt. I got dressed & met them there. It was a very long night...we didn't leave the hospital until 3:45 a.m. It took them nearly an hour to get to Matt, but as soon as they were able to get an IV in (they ended up giving him 2 1/2 bags of fluid), they were able to draw blood for his tests and give him some medicine for the nausea. Thankfully that kicked in quickly which allowed him to get some rest (he hadn't slept much due to being so sick).
While Matt was sleeping (and while we were waiting for him to get all of his fluid), Barb & I were able to talk. I really enjoyed her openness & honesty - she has always made me feel so welcomed, but last night I began to feel like part of the family (it was cute...she introduced me as "Matt's girlfriend" to anyone who came in the room). We had an enjoyable time together...or at least as enjoyable as 7 hours in a emergency room can be (especially as you see the next day quickly approaching). I found it funny that we were talking about Matt, but he was oblivious. Barb even told me his nickname...it's so funny! :-) I'm going to wait for the right time to use it & see how he reacts since he doesn't know that I know. :-) It's good to have some inside scoop!
When Matt was finally discharged, he was starting to feel a bit better (he had actually been able to eat a popsicle & keep it down). They sent him home with some of the medicine for nausea hoping that he'd be able to stop it before it got that bad the next time it happens. A friend told me today that he had similar symptoms and found out it was a food allergy. I'm going to have to remember to say something to Matt because they've not been able to find anything else that's causing these problems. It's worth a try!
Today I'm running on....actually...I'm not sure what I'm running on. I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep before I had to get up for church, and I took a nap for a little over an hour this afternoon. Am I tired? Yep...it's starting to hit me. I'm glad I don't have to get up early in the morning! But...with all of that being said...I'm glad that I was able to be there with Matt & his mom. It's a choice I'm glad I made, and I'll make it again if I have to.
Friday, June 8, 2007
The Last Few Days
As you know from my previous post, my friend, Traci, had her job reinstated due to the money the district is saving by changing our health insurance carrier. What a blessing! To celebrate, I took her out to supper at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, El Camino Sky (formerly known as El Camino Real). We had a great time together - there was much talking & laughter. :-)
Yesterday was my final day of school! WooHoo! Hello Summer! :-) We only had to work a half day (until 11:30) which was nice so a group of us went out for lunch. After lunch, I went to Jodi's school to deliver my fish (they are adopting them since I forgot to adopt them out before the students left - oops!). It was nice to see her & talk for a bit. I also got to see her new room (she's moving into the old computer lab room - it's a bit bigger & has a much nicer view).
Then last night it was off to Riverdance. Traci & I had tickets & had a fabulous time. We both enjoyed it greatly but also had to laugh because we knew the guys (Matt & Jeromy) would have been bored out of their minds. I was expecting the Irish dancing, but I was not expecting the vocal ensemble, the fabulous band (there's just something about Celtic music), the flamenco dancer, or the tap dancers. It was very entertaining!
Today was a busy day, but it was a great day. My day started with me spending time with Eva (Steve & Jenny's daughter) while Jenn ran some errands. Eva is such a sweetheart! From there, I went to get my hair trimmed & colored (had to cover up the grays), and I also had my eyebrows waxed (a bit painful, but definitely worth it in my opinion). Then it was off to the grocery store and then home to clean because Shaun & Jodi were coming over (I really wanted them to meet Matt & for him to meet them). Matt got here around 4:30, and I was so glad he'd come early. We didn't get a chance to see each other this week so I was really starting to miss him! It was great to have some time alone together before they got here. Shaun & Matt instantly hit it off and had a great time picking on Jodi. We laughed a lot tonight! We had pizza & then played 9 holes of golf (the card game). It was definitely an enjoyable evening! They're going to host the next get-together at their house so Matt can experience life on the Toussaint. :-)
Yesterday was my final day of school! WooHoo! Hello Summer! :-) We only had to work a half day (until 11:30) which was nice so a group of us went out for lunch. After lunch, I went to Jodi's school to deliver my fish (they are adopting them since I forgot to adopt them out before the students left - oops!). It was nice to see her & talk for a bit. I also got to see her new room (she's moving into the old computer lab room - it's a bit bigger & has a much nicer view).
Then last night it was off to Riverdance. Traci & I had tickets & had a fabulous time. We both enjoyed it greatly but also had to laugh because we knew the guys (Matt & Jeromy) would have been bored out of their minds. I was expecting the Irish dancing, but I was not expecting the vocal ensemble, the fabulous band (there's just something about Celtic music), the flamenco dancer, or the tap dancers. It was very entertaining!
Today was a busy day, but it was a great day. My day started with me spending time with Eva (Steve & Jenny's daughter) while Jenn ran some errands. Eva is such a sweetheart! From there, I went to get my hair trimmed & colored (had to cover up the grays), and I also had my eyebrows waxed (a bit painful, but definitely worth it in my opinion). Then it was off to the grocery store and then home to clean because Shaun & Jodi were coming over (I really wanted them to meet Matt & for him to meet them). Matt got here around 4:30, and I was so glad he'd come early. We didn't get a chance to see each other this week so I was really starting to miss him! It was great to have some time alone together before they got here. Shaun & Matt instantly hit it off and had a great time picking on Jodi. We laughed a lot tonight! We had pizza & then played 9 holes of golf (the card game). It was definitely an enjoyable evening! They're going to host the next get-together at their house so Matt can experience life on the Toussaint. :-)
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Great News!
For those of you who know my friend, Traci, you know that she's had quite a difficult year (actually some difficult years). She's been tested more than imaginable at times, but she has continued to stand strong & firm in her faith knowing that God will provide. She's amazing!
On top of everything that's already happened, she learned a little over a week ago that her job was one of the positions that was going to be cut at the high school due to budget deficits. This, too, she took in stride.
However...today she received some of the best news that was totally unexpected. She was notified this morning that her position will not be cut! WooHoo! Isn't God good? The school district will be changing insurance carriers and will be saving enough money that the positions will no longer need to be cut. When I got her e-mail this morning, I was ecstatic!
I'd like to say it was an answer to prayer, but I never imagined this would be the outcome. I'd only been praying for peace for her & Jeromy during this time. I'd also prayed that this wouldn't hinder them from going ahead with their adoption plans. Talk about peace & not hindering adoption plans...keeping a job you thought you wouldn't have will take care of that! :-) God continues to amaze me!
On top of everything that's already happened, she learned a little over a week ago that her job was one of the positions that was going to be cut at the high school due to budget deficits. This, too, she took in stride.
However...today she received some of the best news that was totally unexpected. She was notified this morning that her position will not be cut! WooHoo! Isn't God good? The school district will be changing insurance carriers and will be saving enough money that the positions will no longer need to be cut. When I got her e-mail this morning, I was ecstatic!
I'd like to say it was an answer to prayer, but I never imagined this would be the outcome. I'd only been praying for peace for her & Jeromy during this time. I'd also prayed that this wouldn't hinder them from going ahead with their adoption plans. Talk about peace & not hindering adoption plans...keeping a job you thought you wouldn't have will take care of that! :-) God continues to amaze me!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
He Met the Parents...and Lived to Tell About It! :-)
Today was the "big" day for Matt & me...he met my parents. Mom & dad, along with my nephew, Harrison, came to Ohio for my cousin's graduation (Congrats, Stacy!) this weekend so we decided it would be a great time for my family & Matt to meet.
The day began with us meeting mom & dad at Cracker Barrel in Findlay for breakfast. We had a great time together, and my parents learned a lot about Matt (my dad couldn't get over how much he talked). He's definitely a talker - which is fine with me because I tend to do some of that myself. :-) After breakfast, we went to church with grandma and then went back to her house for lunch. Then...it was on to Stacy's graduation where he met Harrison, Jane, Kevin, Scott & Stacy (I almost forgot to introduce Stacy...oops! Sorry, Stacy!).
On the way home, Matt told me how nice my family was, and he really liked my dad (which is a good thing). He also liked my mom's sense of humor (she got some good jabs in on Matt). Once we got home & Matt left, I called mom & dad to get their opinion. They both thought he was really nice. Mom said she liked the way he treated me & the way he looked at me. I like that too!
So...although I was a bit nervous this morning, all went very well! I'm so glad that they were all able to meet each other.
The day began with us meeting mom & dad at Cracker Barrel in Findlay for breakfast. We had a great time together, and my parents learned a lot about Matt (my dad couldn't get over how much he talked). He's definitely a talker - which is fine with me because I tend to do some of that myself. :-) After breakfast, we went to church with grandma and then went back to her house for lunch. Then...it was on to Stacy's graduation where he met Harrison, Jane, Kevin, Scott & Stacy (I almost forgot to introduce Stacy...oops! Sorry, Stacy!).
On the way home, Matt told me how nice my family was, and he really liked my dad (which is a good thing). He also liked my mom's sense of humor (she got some good jabs in on Matt). Once we got home & Matt left, I called mom & dad to get their opinion. They both thought he was really nice. Mom said she liked the way he treated me & the way he looked at me. I like that too!
So...although I was a bit nervous this morning, all went very well! I'm so glad that they were all able to meet each other.
Friday, June 1, 2007
An Amazing Night
Once the roses were in water, we left to get supper. Plans changed just a bit...due to what we were doing after supper, we decided to go to Mancy's another time and went for Mexican instead (on a side note...it was kind of funny because when I got home, the Mexican restaurant in front of my house smelled soooo good). Supper was delicious and the company was even better. :-)
From there, we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - which is an excellent movie!
I had such a good time, and he made me feel so special. I told him that Traci & Jenn would be very proud of him. He did good! :-)
Looking Forward to Tomorrow
Although this is going to say it was posted on Friday, it's really actually very late on Thursday night (it's just after midnight so the date has changed officially). So...I'm really looking forward to tomorrow (which is Friday) or you could say I'm looking forward to today (but it's really tomorrow because I haven't been to bed yet). Are you confused yet? :-)
Let's get to the reason for the post...
I'm so excited - I feel like a kid at Christmas because tomorrow Matt is taking me out to celebrate my birthday. His original plan was for us to go out with Jeromy & Traci to get pizza. That would have been fun, but bless his heart...his new plans are much better (thanks to the help of Traci & Jenn).
What are the new plans you ask? He's taking me to Mancy's (a very nice steakhouse) for supper, and then we're going to go see the new Pirates movie. I'm so excited that I can barely wait! I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with Matt...and am also very appreciative of his working to make this a romantic night. :-) I'm telling you...I love this man!
Let's get to the reason for the post...
I'm so excited - I feel like a kid at Christmas because tomorrow Matt is taking me out to celebrate my birthday. His original plan was for us to go out with Jeromy & Traci to get pizza. That would have been fun, but bless his heart...his new plans are much better (thanks to the help of Traci & Jenn).
What are the new plans you ask? He's taking me to Mancy's (a very nice steakhouse) for supper, and then we're going to go see the new Pirates movie. I'm so excited that I can barely wait! I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with Matt...and am also very appreciative of his working to make this a romantic night. :-) I'm telling you...I love this man!
My aunt's birthday was on May 6th, but I completely forgot to call her. When I remembered it on the 8th, I called & was very apologetic. While there was a bit of harassment from Jane, she forgave me (or so I thought). Just ask my dad...Jane does not forget things easily (at least those things she can continue to throw back in your face...she still brings up things from their childhood). :-)
To try & show Jane how special she is to me, I called her on Mother's Day and even called her on Memorial Day...just to let her know I cared. That's the kind of person I am! :-)
However, she still can't let it go. My birthday was yesterday which seems to have brought those hard feelings to mind for Jane. In my birthday card, she mentioned how special I was to her...so special that she'd never forget my birthday (some words were underlined for emphasis). She also called me in the morning to wish me a happy birthday...making sure I knew she called me in the morning so she wouldn't forget like I'd forgotten her birthday! :-)
Well...we talked today, and I shared with her that I got my paybacks. Yesterday found many people forgetting my birthday. It began first thing in the morning when my mom called. I answered expecting birthday greetings, but instead, I received small talk. Don't get me wrong...it was nice to talk to my mom, but she never mentioned my birthday (however, she called me a couple of hours later & felt terrible). Then...it was the people at school. If I had a dollar for every person that forgot it was my birthday, I would be sooooo rich! It would have been easy to get annoyed, but all I could do was laugh! I found it hysterical and could only think of how much Jane would appreciate the story.
So...I now I've walked in your shoes Jane. It's time to move on & get over it! :-)
To try & show Jane how special she is to me, I called her on Mother's Day and even called her on Memorial Day...just to let her know I cared. That's the kind of person I am! :-)
However, she still can't let it go. My birthday was yesterday which seems to have brought those hard feelings to mind for Jane. In my birthday card, she mentioned how special I was to her...so special that she'd never forget my birthday (some words were underlined for emphasis). She also called me in the morning to wish me a happy birthday...making sure I knew she called me in the morning so she wouldn't forget like I'd forgotten her birthday! :-)
Well...we talked today, and I shared with her that I got my paybacks. Yesterday found many people forgetting my birthday. It began first thing in the morning when my mom called. I answered expecting birthday greetings, but instead, I received small talk. Don't get me wrong...it was nice to talk to my mom, but she never mentioned my birthday (however, she called me a couple of hours later & felt terrible). Then...it was the people at school. If I had a dollar for every person that forgot it was my birthday, I would be sooooo rich! It would have been easy to get annoyed, but all I could do was laugh! I found it hysterical and could only think of how much Jane would appreciate the story.
So...I now I've walked in your shoes Jane. It's time to move on & get over it! :-)
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