Friday, May 9, 2008

The Spring Program's finally over! :-) There's a lot of work that goes into getting a musical ready, but this one was especially rough. Imagine trying to get 105 first graders to sing together, know when they're supposed to say their lines (which most hadn't practiced at home) & pay attention for a 25 min. musical. Now you might understand my first line. :-)

On top of my normal teaching duties (48 classes each week), I was also putting the final touches on the musical. Yesterday we all walked to the middle school for a 2 hr. practice. My original plan was to run through the show 2 times so we were ready for last night's program. However...things didn't go quite as planned. By the time we finished going through it once & did the bows for the end, I had 5 mins. before we had to go back to Starr.

Needless to say, I was very concerned last night, but they did fantastic! I was so proud of them!

Normally we are done after the program, but we had to do two performances for the school today (we have to do two shows because there are too many students to fit them in for one show). It seemed like everything was going wrong as I set up the sound system & prepared for the 9:30 show, but Thom Sneed saved the day. Both shows went well (although the students were mentally exhausted after the last show - but I can't blame them because I was too). I'm at home thinking how thankful I am that I can lay around in my pj's tonight & just lounge!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I'm glad your shows went well! JOurdyn's spring recital is next week!