Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Visitors

My aunt, Jane, called me on Saturday, and while we were talking, she mentioned that they might come up today for a visit. Yesterday she called and confirmed the plans - we decided to meet at Levis Commons (she's heard me talk about it so much) and then head to Old Navy & Sam's Club. She also said they'd stay to watch a bit of my softball game.

Our day went off as planned, and I even had a bonus. Jodi called this morning saying that they were on their way to the park so I met them there & had lunch with them. Then it was off to Levis Commons. On a side note...Jeromy, Traci's husband, thinks I'm addicted to the place. I can't imagine why he'd say that...I've only been there four times in a week. :-)

Jane, Stacy, Scott, and I had a great day! We walked the entire circle of stores making several stops along the way. During the course of the day, Scott constantly kept us laughing (well, most of us...he usually had Stacy sighing or commenting on how embarrassing he is). Scott is one of the funniest teens I know. I always crack up when I'm around him! Sorry Stacy, but I have to tell the truth (although I may feel differently if he was my brother).

After we had our fill of shopping at Levis Commons, we spent some time at Old Navy, and then Jane got a few things at Sam's Club. Then is was off to supper (we went to CiCi's Pizza...a cheap, but delicious, pizza buffet). After supper, we picked up my car at Levis Commons and then headed for my softball game (you'll read about it in the next entry).

I thoroughly enjoyed my day with them and am so thankful they drove all the way up here! It was so good to spend some time with them, and I really needed the comic relief. Thanks, Scott! :-)

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