Friday, July 13, 2007

A Strange Answer...

Yesterday a friend from church & I talked. She mentioned that she'd been at Levis Commons & saw Matt. Playing dumb (because she knew Matt had called me to break up), she asked him if we were still dating. He told her that it hadn't worked out. She told him that made her sad, and he replied that it made him sad as well (1st strange answer, but a better one is coming).

They continued talking, and (here comes the 2nd strange answer) he told her that he loved me with all of his heart but didn't know if he loved me enough to spend the rest of his life with me. Go figure!'s my thoughts...he loved me enough to talk to me about getting married, planning a wedding, & children, but he didn't love me enough to back it up. Makes no sense to me!

1 comment:

Traci said...

Two Words...Multiple Personalities!