About 3 years ago, I was sitting in church listening to the pastor read his scripture reference. It came from Matthew, and was the familiar reference to casting your burdens on Christ. I had heard that scripture many times before, but something inside me was really touched.
I can't tell you what he preached about that day because I just kept reading the veres over & over. While I wasd doing that, a melody started running through my head. The only paper I had was my bulletin so...I used it. I jotted the solfege for the melody down and brought it home. Over the next week, I began playing with the melody & eventually came up with a chorus I really liked.
Fastforward nearly two years...I still have the chorus & haven't been able to come up with anything to go with it. In the meantime, I began writing a second song. This time I got a little further - wrote three verses & a bridge. And...just like the last song...I seemed to hit a wall & couldn't come up with anything else. So I just put them away & let my mind rest (at least as far as the songs are concerned).
The past couple of months my songs have been haunting me - the melodies & words kept running through my head. The second song came together ane afternoon as - was sitting at home. All of a sudden it just came to me so I ran to the paino & figured it out so I wouldn't forget it. Not too lang after that, I was driving one afternoon & started to have a verse for my original chorus run through my head. Thank goodness I have a voice recorder on my phone! :)
Since that time, I have finished & "perfected" BOTH of my songs. It's been a very exciting experience, and I've even enjoyed watcing how God is using my songs already. It's definitely obvious that God gave me the words for a reason. And...once again it's obvious that it was His timing (eveb though it about drove me crazy at times)!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Here you go, Traci :-)
Someone (won't mention any names...hahaha) told me a couple days ago that I really needed to update my blog. I guess she was right!!! Didn't realize it had been so long.
Since my last post, I've went fishing on Lake Erie with Val, Shawn & the kids, started school, had knee surgery (which had me off school for 4 weeks), started school again (my nephew, Harrison, called to see how my "2nd first day of school" went - he's so sweet), had several concerts, and have been doing physical therapy regularly.
There have been ups & downs, but one thing has remained constant...God has been there! He's laughed with me when I've laughed...cried with me when I cried...and He's carried me when I didn't think I could go any further. I'm so thankful I have Him on my side!!!
Since my last post, I've went fishing on Lake Erie with Val, Shawn & the kids, started school, had knee surgery (which had me off school for 4 weeks), started school again (my nephew, Harrison, called to see how my "2nd first day of school" went - he's so sweet), had several concerts, and have been doing physical therapy regularly.
There have been ups & downs, but one thing has remained constant...God has been there! He's laughed with me when I've laughed...cried with me when I cried...and He's carried me when I didn't think I could go any further. I'm so thankful I have Him on my side!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Rooster Story
We had a concert this past weekend in Angola, Indiana so we traveled there Saturday afternoon to set up our sound system and practice with their praise team. All went really well, and we made some new friends (one of the best parts). After practice, we followed the pastor to his house where we would be spending the night.
Once there, we had supper together and spent the remainder of the evening chatting with the pastor & his wife (Pastor Randy & Robin - two of the most spiritual & gifted people I've met). We went to bed that night with happy hearts and were excited that we'd be able to sleep in (didn't have to be there until 9 am...sometimes our concerts start before 9!).
So...imagine that you are in a peaceful sleep enjoying the cool breeze floating through the window. Sounds great, huh?!? Well it was...until the rooster began to call. Yes...their rooster (who we'd all heard about the night before & had enjoyed the "rooster stories") began to sing his cocka-doodle-doos at 6:30 a.m.!!! He continued this for over an hour. Each time you'd think he was done & would just about fall back asleep...that stupid thing would start at it again!
Needless to say I didn't get to sleep in. And...hence the reason for my status yesterday. I was ready to go outside & wring that rooster's neck!
Once there, we had supper together and spent the remainder of the evening chatting with the pastor & his wife (Pastor Randy & Robin - two of the most spiritual & gifted people I've met). We went to bed that night with happy hearts and were excited that we'd be able to sleep in (didn't have to be there until 9 am...sometimes our concerts start before 9!).
So...imagine that you are in a peaceful sleep enjoying the cool breeze floating through the window. Sounds great, huh?!? Well it was...until the rooster began to call. Yes...their rooster (who we'd all heard about the night before & had enjoyed the "rooster stories") began to sing his cocka-doodle-doos at 6:30 a.m.!!! He continued this for over an hour. Each time you'd think he was done & would just about fall back asleep...that stupid thing would start at it again!
Needless to say I didn't get to sleep in. And...hence the reason for my status yesterday. I was ready to go outside & wring that rooster's neck!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Monthly Update
It was not my plan when I created this blog to only update once a month, but it appears that that's about all I've been doing. Can you say...busy??? (and maybe a little lazy in there as well). :-)
A few posts ago I commented on how my plans for the summer changed due to my upcoming knee surgery. While I have greatly missed working out, playing golf & playing softball, I've been able to keep myself busy. Between touring with Soul Venture, visiting my family, & visiting friends, I've only spent two complete weeks at my apartment (the first one was the week we got out of school & the second is this week).
And once again...plans changed! I was supposed to have my surgery on July 21st but had to postpone it due to an unforseen medical emergency my dad had (most who read this know what that was). So...I am now scheduled to have my surgery on August 25th. We'll see if that date stays the same. :-) I'm hoping it does because I'm really tired of not being active, and it will take 1-2 months for me to get back to "normal" activity according to the surgeon.
Believe it or not...we only have 1 1/2 weeks until school starts for the staff members (students come 2 weeks from today). I'm a bit torn - part of me is looking forward to the new year & part of me would love to have some more summer.
Well...that's all I have for now. I'll try to do this a little more regularly. :-)
A few posts ago I commented on how my plans for the summer changed due to my upcoming knee surgery. While I have greatly missed working out, playing golf & playing softball, I've been able to keep myself busy. Between touring with Soul Venture, visiting my family, & visiting friends, I've only spent two complete weeks at my apartment (the first one was the week we got out of school & the second is this week).
And once again...plans changed! I was supposed to have my surgery on July 21st but had to postpone it due to an unforseen medical emergency my dad had (most who read this know what that was). So...I am now scheduled to have my surgery on August 25th. We'll see if that date stays the same. :-) I'm hoping it does because I'm really tired of not being active, and it will take 1-2 months for me to get back to "normal" activity according to the surgeon.
Believe it or not...we only have 1 1/2 weeks until school starts for the staff members (students come 2 weeks from today). I'm a bit torn - part of me is looking forward to the new year & part of me would love to have some more summer.
Well...that's all I have for now. I'll try to do this a little more regularly. :-)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
In order to save gas and because I love driving with the sunroof open & windows down, I decided to not use my air conditioner on the drive down yesterday. I loved the feel of the wind through my hair & had the radio cranked, but that resulted in a terrible (did I mention that it's pretty bad???) sunburn!
My left arm is a bit red, but not too bad. My left leg has an oval sunburn that came through the window. It's a bit sore, but that's not the worst. The worst of it came in through my sunroof! My chest & right shoulder are fried!!!
My original plan was to go to the pool today & lay out a bit, but I've decided that I'd better stay out of the sun for a day or two.
My left arm is a bit red, but not too bad. My left leg has an oval sunburn that came through the window. It's a bit sore, but that's not the worst. The worst of it came in through my sunroof! My chest & right shoulder are fried!!!
My original plan was to go to the pool today & lay out a bit, but I've decided that I'd better stay out of the sun for a day or two.
Finally here!!!
Yesterday I made the drive to Charlotte, North Carolina to spend some time with my family. I was very excited to get down here so I got up & was on the road by 7:45 a.m. (for those who know me well...you know I was excited to have gotten up on purpose at 6:45 a.m.). :-)
After 6 stops (what can I say...I have a baby bladder), I finally pulled in last night at 6:15 p.m.
It's great to be here, but I don't want to spend much time in a car for a few days. :-)
After 6 stops (what can I say...I have a baby bladder), I finally pulled in last night at 6:15 p.m.
It's great to be here, but I don't want to spend much time in a car for a few days. :-)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
MudHens times 2!
On Sunday evening, our church reserved approximately 120 tickets at the MudHens stadium to see them take on the Columbus Clippers. I have always enjoyed going to the games - cheap entertainment & something I enjoy. But...Sunday night was a bit weird for me - my favorite player has been called up to the major leagues (so it's just not the same...so many new players to choose from), and on top of the...we lost! :-(
But...last night I was getting ready to start supper when I heard the news mention the game. So...I quickly changed clothes & headed down to the stadium to watch them take on the Indianapolis Indians and had a blast. I ended up seeing a couple of teachers from Starr there so I sat with them. We had a great evening - conversation was great, and...we finally won! :-)
But...last night I was getting ready to start supper when I heard the news mention the game. So...I quickly changed clothes & headed down to the stadium to watch them take on the Indianapolis Indians and had a blast. I ended up seeing a couple of teachers from Starr there so I sat with them. We had a great evening - conversation was great, and...we finally won! :-)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A Change of Plans
As of two days ago, when asked what I'd be doing this summer, I quickly responded with touring, visiting my family, playing lots of golf & playing softball. Yesterday my plans changed.
While I'll still be touring & going down south to visit my family, my golfing & softball has been put on hold after a trip to see Dr. Morse (an orthopedic specialist). My left knee has been bothering me off & on for the past year, but for some reason it's gotten much worse the past two weeks (it began aching, cracking & grinding alot more than "normal" & even began locking up while I was in the middle of walking). After some x-rays were taken, it was obvious that I need to have surgery to repair my left knee.
They crazy thing is that Dr. Morse will be performing the exact same surgery on my left knee on July 21st that Dr. Davis performed on my right knee back in 2002. The good thing is that it was very successful on my right knee, and it sounds like my recovery time for this surgery will be much less than for the one back in '02. I was told that if I have my surgery on Monday (which I am...just ask Ralph...hahaha!) I'll be fine to do a concert that weekend.
While I'll still be touring & going down south to visit my family, my golfing & softball has been put on hold after a trip to see Dr. Morse (an orthopedic specialist). My left knee has been bothering me off & on for the past year, but for some reason it's gotten much worse the past two weeks (it began aching, cracking & grinding alot more than "normal" & even began locking up while I was in the middle of walking). After some x-rays were taken, it was obvious that I need to have surgery to repair my left knee.
They crazy thing is that Dr. Morse will be performing the exact same surgery on my left knee on July 21st that Dr. Davis performed on my right knee back in 2002. The good thing is that it was very successful on my right knee, and it sounds like my recovery time for this surgery will be much less than for the one back in '02. I was told that if I have my surgery on Monday (which I am...just ask Ralph...hahaha!) I'll be fine to do a concert that weekend.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My Favorite Time of the Year!
Ahhh...it's finally summer! :-) This past quarter drug on, but we're finally officially done!!! Yesterday was the last day for students, and today was our last day. I'll be going in for some planning meetings during the next couple of weeks, but nothing is on a time crunch. I love this! :-)
Let me tell you about my upcoming meetings. Due to the cutbacks in our district, our assitant principal will be taking the position that was open due to a retirement, and the district is not going to be filling her current position. So...I have been asked to take on some of her responsibilities and have agreed to do so. For next school year, I will be chairing our IAT Team (Intervention Assistance Team - we try to help students who are struggling...either academically or behaviorally). I have been a member of this team for several years (the past 4 or 5) so I'll have some understanding of what I'm doing, but it will definitely be an added load. However the principal is working on some flexible scheduling ideas to help give me time during the normal work day to do some of this.
In addition to chairing the IAT Team, I also applied & was given the Teacher in Charge position. This basically means that I will be taking care of any discipline issues that arise when the principal is out of the building. On the days she is out, there will be a sub in my room so I can be available in the office when needed. I thought this (as well as my experience with IAT) would be great opportunities for me - especially since I have my master's degree in Administration and plan on getting my administrative license at some point. It'll also look good on a resume.
Let me tell you about my upcoming meetings. Due to the cutbacks in our district, our assitant principal will be taking the position that was open due to a retirement, and the district is not going to be filling her current position. So...I have been asked to take on some of her responsibilities and have agreed to do so. For next school year, I will be chairing our IAT Team (Intervention Assistance Team - we try to help students who are struggling...either academically or behaviorally). I have been a member of this team for several years (the past 4 or 5) so I'll have some understanding of what I'm doing, but it will definitely be an added load. However the principal is working on some flexible scheduling ideas to help give me time during the normal work day to do some of this.
In addition to chairing the IAT Team, I also applied & was given the Teacher in Charge position. This basically means that I will be taking care of any discipline issues that arise when the principal is out of the building. On the days she is out, there will be a sub in my room so I can be available in the office when needed. I thought this (as well as my experience with IAT) would be great opportunities for me - especially since I have my master's degree in Administration and plan on getting my administrative license at some point. It'll also look good on a resume.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
So much has happened since my last post, but I just haven't taken the time to update you all. Sorry! :-) So...here you go - updates (to the best of my ability to remember). :-)
The first piece of info is that Jodi had her baby! Olivia Elizabeth arrived on May 21st weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was a big baby (Jodi is very petite) but she's absolutely beautiful! I was blessed to be there & was able to experience it, but it was also great for me to be there for Lauren. This has really changed her life - a bit too much for a little 4 year old to comprehend all at once. All are home & doing well, and Lauren has quickly accepted her role of "big sister" as well as "mommy's helper".
Last weekend was an amazing weekend - one of the best I can remember having in quite awhile. It began with us (Soul Venture - the name of our group) traveling to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for some weekend concerts (3 mini concerts & one full concert). It was a busy schedule, but the church was very nice to us & seemed to really enjoy our music. My highlight was having Feras (a very good friend from college who I haven't seen in 3 years) show up at our full concert on Sunday. It was so good to see him! We were able to talk for a while after the concert, and then he helped us load up our equipment. He ended up going to lunch with us so we were able to talk quite a bit. It was a great afternoon!
After Feras & I said good-bye, I drove 25 minutes west to Columbia City, Indiana where I met up with the Garcia family (friends I met at SoloCon Great Lakes). They were all meeting at their brother's place for the holiday weekend - Caron, Carlo & Samuel were there from Colorado...Joel, Olivia & Daniel were also there from Colorado...Deanna was there from college in Kentucky...and the rest of the Garcia clan was there from Mason, Michigan. We had such a great time & laughed so hard! It made me miss Caron & Deanna even more than I already did. :-) Some of the highlight from my short visit with them (not including our talks & laughs) were having to bait the fishing hook for Carlo, getting to know Samuel (he just recently turned one & I haven't seen him since he was a few days old), giggin' (frog hunting to those who don't know the terminology) & going 4 wheeling. It was a great ending to fabulous holiday weekend.
I returned home with a full cup...all I could think of was the line from one of my favorite movies...My cup runneth over.
The week went by without any major incidences but was shortened thanks to my allergy appointment on Thursday afternoon. After my appointment, I hit the road & headed for Charleston, WV where I was meeting mom & dad. We drove into the hotel parking lot behind each other...they were coming from Charlotte, NC & I was coming from here in Oregon. How's that for timing?!? We couldn't have planned it better if we'd tried! :-) We spent Thursday & Friday night in the hotel and then headed back to our homes after lunch on Saturday.
On my way back from Charleston, I made a slight detour to meet my friend, Ralph, in Delaware for supper. We had a nice time together as usual before I made my final trip home.
Today I've spent most of the day just relaxing & getting ready for my final week of school. Just in case you're wondering...I have 3 1/2 days left! :-)
The first piece of info is that Jodi had her baby! Olivia Elizabeth arrived on May 21st weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was a big baby (Jodi is very petite) but she's absolutely beautiful! I was blessed to be there & was able to experience it, but it was also great for me to be there for Lauren. This has really changed her life - a bit too much for a little 4 year old to comprehend all at once. All are home & doing well, and Lauren has quickly accepted her role of "big sister" as well as "mommy's helper".
Last weekend was an amazing weekend - one of the best I can remember having in quite awhile. It began with us (Soul Venture - the name of our group) traveling to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for some weekend concerts (3 mini concerts & one full concert). It was a busy schedule, but the church was very nice to us & seemed to really enjoy our music. My highlight was having Feras (a very good friend from college who I haven't seen in 3 years) show up at our full concert on Sunday. It was so good to see him! We were able to talk for a while after the concert, and then he helped us load up our equipment. He ended up going to lunch with us so we were able to talk quite a bit. It was a great afternoon!
After Feras & I said good-bye, I drove 25 minutes west to Columbia City, Indiana where I met up with the Garcia family (friends I met at SoloCon Great Lakes). They were all meeting at their brother's place for the holiday weekend - Caron, Carlo & Samuel were there from Colorado...Joel, Olivia & Daniel were also there from Colorado...Deanna was there from college in Kentucky...and the rest of the Garcia clan was there from Mason, Michigan. We had such a great time & laughed so hard! It made me miss Caron & Deanna even more than I already did. :-) Some of the highlight from my short visit with them (not including our talks & laughs) were having to bait the fishing hook for Carlo, getting to know Samuel (he just recently turned one & I haven't seen him since he was a few days old), giggin' (frog hunting to those who don't know the terminology) & going 4 wheeling. It was a great ending to fabulous holiday weekend.
I returned home with a full cup...all I could think of was the line from one of my favorite movies...My cup runneth over.
The week went by without any major incidences but was shortened thanks to my allergy appointment on Thursday afternoon. After my appointment, I hit the road & headed for Charleston, WV where I was meeting mom & dad. We drove into the hotel parking lot behind each other...they were coming from Charlotte, NC & I was coming from here in Oregon. How's that for timing?!? We couldn't have planned it better if we'd tried! :-) We spent Thursday & Friday night in the hotel and then headed back to our homes after lunch on Saturday.
On my way back from Charleston, I made a slight detour to meet my friend, Ralph, in Delaware for supper. We had a nice time together as usual before I made my final trip home.
Today I've spent most of the day just relaxing & getting ready for my final week of school. Just in case you're wondering...I have 3 1/2 days left! :-)
Friday, May 16, 2008
My First 9 of the Season!
I'll begin by saying that I'm feeling oh so much better! :-) Thanks to those of you who prayed for me!!!
Today was a beautiful day & evening so Traci & I decided to put our golf lessons to the test (she told Jeromy it was our "homework"). :-) Every time we hit a good shot (or even a bad shot...as long as we "killed some grass") we'd comment on how pleased Dan would be. :-) Dan is our golf instructor & keeps telling us that our one job on the course is to kill grass (meaning that we have to hit down on the ball in order to get it up in the air). Well...we definitely left our mark on the course tonight, but I left with my head up high. At the end of 9 holes, I had a 56. And in case you have the same question my dad did...No! It was not a par 3 course! :-) Up 'til now, my lowest score for 9 holes has been a 52 (I shot that in August of last year). I'm hoping these lessons will help me beat that! :-) Is it possible for me to get in the 40's by the end of the summer? That's my goal.
Today was a beautiful day & evening so Traci & I decided to put our golf lessons to the test (she told Jeromy it was our "homework"). :-) Every time we hit a good shot (or even a bad shot...as long as we "killed some grass") we'd comment on how pleased Dan would be. :-) Dan is our golf instructor & keeps telling us that our one job on the course is to kill grass (meaning that we have to hit down on the ball in order to get it up in the air). Well...we definitely left our mark on the course tonight, but I left with my head up high. At the end of 9 holes, I had a 56. And in case you have the same question my dad did...No! It was not a par 3 course! :-) Up 'til now, my lowest score for 9 holes has been a 52 (I shot that in August of last year). I'm hoping these lessons will help me beat that! :-) Is it possible for me to get in the 40's by the end of the summer? That's my goal.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm Sick :-(
About a half hour after lunch yesteday, I began to feel very warm & my stomach was churning. This continued to happen on & off for several hours...moments when I thought I'd be sick & then moments when I felt just fine. Things changed sometime after 6:00 p.m. last night. I no longer thought...nor felt...fine. It was a long & miserable night. But...I can honestly say that I just got up from yet another nap (been doing a lot of that), and I'm feeling the best I've felt in 24 hrs. I'm hoping this was just something I ate for lunch or a 24 hr. bug!
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Spring Program
Ahhh...it's finally over! :-) There's a lot of work that goes into getting a musical ready, but this one was especially rough. Imagine trying to get 105 first graders to sing together, know when they're supposed to say their lines (which most hadn't practiced at home) & pay attention for a 25 min. musical. Now you might understand my first line. :-)
On top of my normal teaching duties (48 classes each week), I was also putting the final touches on the musical. Yesterday we all walked to the middle school for a 2 hr. practice. My original plan was to run through the show 2 times so we were ready for last night's program. However...things didn't go quite as planned. By the time we finished going through it once & did the bows for the end, I had 5 mins. before we had to go back to Starr.
Needless to say, I was very concerned last night, but they did fantastic! I was so proud of them!
Normally we are done after the program, but we had to do two performances for the school today (we have to do two shows because there are too many students to fit them in for one show). It seemed like everything was going wrong as I set up the sound system & prepared for the 9:30 show, but Thom Sneed saved the day. Both shows went well (although the students were mentally exhausted after the last show - but I can't blame them because I was too).
So...now I'm at home thinking how thankful I am that I can lay around in my pj's tonight & just lounge!
On top of my normal teaching duties (48 classes each week), I was also putting the final touches on the musical. Yesterday we all walked to the middle school for a 2 hr. practice. My original plan was to run through the show 2 times so we were ready for last night's program. However...things didn't go quite as planned. By the time we finished going through it once & did the bows for the end, I had 5 mins. before we had to go back to Starr.
Needless to say, I was very concerned last night, but they did fantastic! I was so proud of them!
Normally we are done after the program, but we had to do two performances for the school today (we have to do two shows because there are too many students to fit them in for one show). It seemed like everything was going wrong as I set up the sound system & prepared for the 9:30 show, but Thom Sneed saved the day. Both shows went well (although the students were mentally exhausted after the last show - but I can't blame them because I was too).
So...now I'm at home thinking how thankful I am that I can lay around in my pj's tonight & just lounge!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Golf, Softball & Weight Watchers
Quite the combo...huh?!? :-) I'll talk about them in order.
Traci & I signed up to take a golf class through the adult ed. program at Clay High School, and I'm absolutely loving it! I have learned so much...and we're only in week two (we have three more to go for this session & then four more in June). Dan Sutton (the pro) is a great teacher & for the first time, things are feeling comfortable & making much more sense! Now...I'm just looking forward the the rest of the classes & watching my score decrease throughout the summer. :-)
Monday night was our first softball game of the season. It's definitely wasn't our best game...but it could have been worse. The final score was 14-10.
My weight has fluctuated quite a bit since spring break, but I'm finally back down to my lowest. Now I'm just hoping to keep going down. This up & down stuff is for the birds! The good news is that I can tell a huge difference in my clothes & how I feel! I have started jogging some & was able to finish a 3 1/2 mile walk in just under 50 mins. the other day (the first time I did that walk - 5 yrs. ago - it took me over 90 mins.). Tonight I had my measurements taken at the gym & am down over 7 inches (which would explain the change in my clothes). I'm now in a size I haven't worn since high school. That's a great feeling!
Traci & I signed up to take a golf class through the adult ed. program at Clay High School, and I'm absolutely loving it! I have learned so much...and we're only in week two (we have three more to go for this session & then four more in June). Dan Sutton (the pro) is a great teacher & for the first time, things are feeling comfortable & making much more sense! Now...I'm just looking forward the the rest of the classes & watching my score decrease throughout the summer. :-)
Monday night was our first softball game of the season. It's definitely wasn't our best game...but it could have been worse. The final score was 14-10.
My weight has fluctuated quite a bit since spring break, but I'm finally back down to my lowest. Now I'm just hoping to keep going down. This up & down stuff is for the birds! The good news is that I can tell a huge difference in my clothes & how I feel! I have started jogging some & was able to finish a 3 1/2 mile walk in just under 50 mins. the other day (the first time I did that walk - 5 yrs. ago - it took me over 90 mins.). Tonight I had my measurements taken at the gym & am down over 7 inches (which would explain the change in my clothes). I'm now in a size I haven't worn since high school. That's a great feeling!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I'm Back!
The past year has been a rough one - to my family & close friends...this is nothing new to you, but to those who have seen me while I'm wearing my "mask"...you may be surprised. I've been thinking a lot about what I wanted to tell you & how I should say it, but nothing seemed "perfect" so...I decided to tell it like it was & is. Here you go:
The past few months have been a time of relization for me. 1) I realized that I'd not been letting God have everything - part of me was afraid I'd be hurt again & another part of me didn't trust Him enough to give Him all. I can't begin to explain how that's affected my life! Words cannot express the grief I've caused myself because once again I tried to live this life on my own only to feel more lonely than I can remember feeling in a very long time! 2) I realized that I'd become very depressed - while I knew it wasn't "me", I didn't know how to get "me" back. There were things I wanted to do (like blog) but I just didn't care enough or have the energy to do it. After a great talk with my mom during Christmas break, I decided to seek medical help & am so thankful I did! 3) I realized how lucky I am to have a family physician who's a Christian - not only did he help me medically, but he also took time out of his busy schedule to help me spiritually. 4) I realized I needed to rely on people - when I'm at my lowest, they can be there to help me & listen to me. This is not easy for me - I've come to learn more about myself this year & have found that I'm very independent...almost to a fault. Maybe it's because I've lived on my own for so long...maybe it's because I'm afraid to trust someone with my heart...maybe it's because I'm a bit controlling...there's many things it could be, but the fact is I need to rely on people God has put in my life. I need to express my needs & be willing to be vulnerable in order to get help. 5) Most importantly...I realized I needed to come face to face with God! I realized there were things I've been thinking, but I'd been trying to keep them from God. How ridiculous, huh?!? But...I did it. So...God & I had a long, much needed heart to heart conversation back in January. I told Him everything (even though He already knew it) because it made me give it up. I told Him how hurt I was & how upset I was. How could He let this happen to me? And why did it have to keep happening to me? Hadn't I learned enough the first time? The conversation went on & on - me telling Him everything, and ended with a broken person just crying out for help. That's when I felt Him the most & knew it was going to be okay!
I've grown so much over the past few months, but I'm still a work in progress (probably always will be). :-) I forgot to tell you one other realization I had...I'm going to be okay!!!
Thanks to all of you who have been there & supported me! My apologies to those I kept in the dark about everything! And all my love to God & those who have helped me on this path of healing! I'm back! It's me!
The past few months have been a time of relization for me. 1) I realized that I'd not been letting God have everything - part of me was afraid I'd be hurt again & another part of me didn't trust Him enough to give Him all. I can't begin to explain how that's affected my life! Words cannot express the grief I've caused myself because once again I tried to live this life on my own only to feel more lonely than I can remember feeling in a very long time! 2) I realized that I'd become very depressed - while I knew it wasn't "me", I didn't know how to get "me" back. There were things I wanted to do (like blog) but I just didn't care enough or have the energy to do it. After a great talk with my mom during Christmas break, I decided to seek medical help & am so thankful I did! 3) I realized how lucky I am to have a family physician who's a Christian - not only did he help me medically, but he also took time out of his busy schedule to help me spiritually. 4) I realized I needed to rely on people - when I'm at my lowest, they can be there to help me & listen to me. This is not easy for me - I've come to learn more about myself this year & have found that I'm very independent...almost to a fault. Maybe it's because I've lived on my own for so long...maybe it's because I'm afraid to trust someone with my heart...maybe it's because I'm a bit controlling...there's many things it could be, but the fact is I need to rely on people God has put in my life. I need to express my needs & be willing to be vulnerable in order to get help. 5) Most importantly...I realized I needed to come face to face with God! I realized there were things I've been thinking, but I'd been trying to keep them from God. How ridiculous, huh?!? But...I did it. So...God & I had a long, much needed heart to heart conversation back in January. I told Him everything (even though He already knew it) because it made me give it up. I told Him how hurt I was & how upset I was. How could He let this happen to me? And why did it have to keep happening to me? Hadn't I learned enough the first time? The conversation went on & on - me telling Him everything, and ended with a broken person just crying out for help. That's when I felt Him the most & knew it was going to be okay!
I've grown so much over the past few months, but I'm still a work in progress (probably always will be). :-) I forgot to tell you one other realization I had...I'm going to be okay!!!
Thanks to all of you who have been there & supported me! My apologies to those I kept in the dark about everything! And all my love to God & those who have helped me on this path of healing! I'm back! It's me!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Can you tell I've been busy?
Wow! I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted! I've been keeping pretty busy, but when I haven't been busy, I just been too tired (and lazy) to take the time to update. I keep thinking of things I want to tell all of you, but my good intentions have not gotten it done. And...once again, I'm tired & not in the mood to sit here & type so I'm going to head to bed. I will try to update you on the past month within the next couple of days. I have stories & photos to share. :-)
Hope you all are doing well!
Hope you all are doing well!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Weight Watcher Update
Last week I didn't put an update on, but I gained 1.6 pounds. It was beginning to get a bit annoying...the up & down roller coaster weigh ins, but that's life. So...I tried to be more active this week & made sure I drank all my water, and it paid off. At yesterday's meeting, I lost 5.6 pounds bringing my total to 23.2. I'm very excited about that, but was even more excited today when I had my measurements taken at the gym. In addition to the weight I've lost, I've also lost 10.5 inches. WooHoo! That'll keep me motivated this week. :-)
A Long Overdue Update - Part 2
Harrison & Jerry's Adventure
Harrison's Cub Scouts banquet was Saturday night. For the event, each father/son team had to make a cake together without any additional help. Jerry & Harrison did a fantastic job! They made the cake to look like Harrison's hat for Scouts (they even baked the one cake in a bowl so it would be rounded). Their cake won for being "Most Scout Like". I am so proud of them, and I'm especially greatful to Jerry for being such a great dad to Harrison. He has really stepped up!
Here's a picture of Harrison in his uniform. Isn't he just adorable? :-)
Harrison's Cub Scouts banquet was Saturday night. For the event, each father/son team had to make a cake together without any additional help. Jerry & Harrison did a fantastic job! They made the cake to look like Harrison's hat for Scouts (they even baked the one cake in a bowl so it would be rounded). Their cake won for being "Most Scout Like". I am so proud of them, and I'm especially greatful to Jerry for being such a great dad to Harrison. He has really stepped up!
Here's a picture of Harrison in his uniform. Isn't he just adorable? :-)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A Long Overdue Update
Well...it's been a while since I've taken the time to post so I decided to do it today (seeing as how we don't have school due to yet another storm that hit us...we now have one day to make up). Those of you who are used to the "blog way" of doing things know that you always read from the bottom up, but I decided since it's been so long & I have so much to tell, I'm going to do things a bit differently. I'm just going to make one long post & try to go in order. :-) Hope you don't get bored!
The Lion King
Last Friday night, Jeromy, Traci, Connie & I went to see The Lion King at the Stranahan Theater in Toledo (Jeromy, Traci & I have season tickets), and it was amazing! I enjoying watching most musicals, but I was totally awed by this one - the costumes, the actors, the singing...the list could go on & on. It was a fabulous show, and I'm so thankful I was able to see it. If any of you have the chance to go, I would definitely recommend it (and if you can afford it, you might even want to pay the extra for aisle seats on the floor so you can have the "animal" experience). I found a short video clip from Disney's site that gives you a small taste of what we got to experience. If you're interested, click here to see it.
Working the Corner...Again
Now don't go thinking any bad thoughts about me...I was holding a sign for our levy! :-) I say "again" because we originally put it up in November, and I blogged about that experience then. Unfortunately it didn't pass so we had to try again yesterday (Mar. 4th). Praise the Lord...it passed! That's great news because my job was on the cut list if the levy failed. But...now back to the reason for this post. Back in November, it was called "100 mins. for education" so they had each group hold the sign for 100 mins. You'll read in my post that it was very cold & rainy - a bit miserable, but...this time our shift was 4 hours. Yes...I said 4...f-o-u-r! I was layered beyond belief & thought I was prepared when I left my house, but nothing can prepare you for 4 hours outside the end of February. Needless to say I came home & soaked in a hot bath for over an hour to warm up. But...it was all worth it! :-)

Lauren's Mac & Cheese Face
Saturday night I met Jodi & Lauren for supper before heading to Genoa's basketball game. Lauren cracks me up, and I have so much fun when I'm with her. Jodi's been such a great mom & has raised a fabulous little girl! Lauren loves to have me take pictures of her so she can see them, and Saturday was no different so I took a picture of her face when she got done eating her mac & cheese. She cracked up when she was the pictures. :-)

I have more to tell & pictures to post, but this is acting up & won't let me add any more photos so I'm going to quit for the evening, and I'll do part two tomorrow. :-)
The Lion King
Last Friday night, Jeromy, Traci, Connie & I went to see The Lion King at the Stranahan Theater in Toledo (Jeromy, Traci & I have season tickets), and it was amazing! I enjoying watching most musicals, but I was totally awed by this one - the costumes, the actors, the singing...the list could go on & on. It was a fabulous show, and I'm so thankful I was able to see it. If any of you have the chance to go, I would definitely recommend it (and if you can afford it, you might even want to pay the extra for aisle seats on the floor so you can have the "animal" experience). I found a short video clip from Disney's site that gives you a small taste of what we got to experience. If you're interested, click here to see it.
Working the Corner...Again
Now don't go thinking any bad thoughts about me...I was holding a sign for our levy! :-) I say "again" because we originally put it up in November, and I blogged about that experience then. Unfortunately it didn't pass so we had to try again yesterday (Mar. 4th). Praise the Lord...it passed! That's great news because my job was on the cut list if the levy failed. But...now back to the reason for this post. Back in November, it was called "100 mins. for education" so they had each group hold the sign for 100 mins. You'll read in my post that it was very cold & rainy - a bit miserable, but...this time our shift was 4 hours. Yes...I said 4...f-o-u-r! I was layered beyond belief & thought I was prepared when I left my house, but nothing can prepare you for 4 hours outside the end of February. Needless to say I came home & soaked in a hot bath for over an hour to warm up. But...it was all worth it! :-)
Lauren's Mac & Cheese Face
Saturday night I met Jodi & Lauren for supper before heading to Genoa's basketball game. Lauren cracks me up, and I have so much fun when I'm with her. Jodi's been such a great mom & has raised a fabulous little girl! Lauren loves to have me take pictures of her so she can see them, and Saturday was no different so I took a picture of her face when she got done eating her mac & cheese. She cracked up when she was the pictures. :-)
I have more to tell & pictures to post, but this is acting up & won't let me add any more photos so I'm going to quit for the evening, and I'll do part two tomorrow. :-)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
5th & Final Snow Day
We were pounded with snow during the night & throughout the morning which lead to school being called off (I actually got the call around 5:00 a.m. it was so bad!). So...we've now used our last day. They are saying drifting is going to be a problem tomorrow because the winds are supposed to be very strong this evening, but I'm hoping it only causes a delay. If we miss any more days, we have to start making them up. :-(
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Weight Watcher Update
I just realized I didn't do my weekly update. So...here it is (even though it's a bit late). This past week I lost 3 pounds which made me very happy since I gained last week. The three pounds took off what I gained plus a little more which brings my total to 19.2 pounds. I'm hoping to break the 20 pound mark this week & looking forward to my 10% goal which is quickly approaching.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sophie's Story
I have been following a blog that has brought me to tears nearly every time I've read it, but it's been very powerful. Let me share a little of the story with you.
Last summer, my mom had a friend ask for prayer for a little girl who was battling cancer. The woman gave mom the blog site that had been set up so mom forwarded the site along with the prayer request to me. At that time, I didn't get on the site, but I began praying for this little girl & her family when they came to mind. A couple of months later I finally got on the blog. Wow!
The little girl's name was Sophie, and she had been diagnosed with a glioma. I went all the way back to the beginning and read every entry. The faith and courage of her mother amazed me. Some may say that I couldn't understand because I don't have children of my own, but knowing how much I love my niece, nephew & goddaughter (children who aren't even my "own"), I can't begin to fathom what this must be like - losing such a precious little gift.
Unfortunately Sophie passed away in October, but her mom (Emily) continues to post. Her most recent post included the song from Natalie Grant entitled "Held". Here are the lyrics & the music video.
Understand why it touches her so? If you'd like to learn more about Sophie & her family, you'll find it in their blog.
Last summer, my mom had a friend ask for prayer for a little girl who was battling cancer. The woman gave mom the blog site that had been set up so mom forwarded the site along with the prayer request to me. At that time, I didn't get on the site, but I began praying for this little girl & her family when they came to mind. A couple of months later I finally got on the blog. Wow!
The little girl's name was Sophie, and she had been diagnosed with a glioma. I went all the way back to the beginning and read every entry. The faith and courage of her mother amazed me. Some may say that I couldn't understand because I don't have children of my own, but knowing how much I love my niece, nephew & goddaughter (children who aren't even my "own"), I can't begin to fathom what this must be like - losing such a precious little gift.
Unfortunately Sophie passed away in October, but her mom (Emily) continues to post. Her most recent post included the song from Natalie Grant entitled "Held". Here are the lyrics & the music video.
Two months is too little.
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing.
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.
Who told us we'd be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We're asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It's unfair.
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred know our sorrow.
The wise hands opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
If hope is born of suffering.
If this is only the beginning.
Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
Understand why it touches her so? If you'd like to learn more about Sophie & her family, you'll find it in their blog.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Casting Crowns
It's the third time I've seen them in concert, and it was still as good...if not even better. I absolutely love them! If you've never been to one of their concerts, I would recommend one. I use the term "concert" loosely because it's more of a worship experience - the words are on a screen & they encourage you to sing along & worship. Ahhh...what a way to end a week! :-)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Best Valentine's Day!
Wow! I'm sitting here tonight with a happy heart - much different from Valentine's Days in the past.
Yesterday during Neti's music class, I thought about the Waal family and the fact that Rhonda & Tracy might like a night alone so I called and left a message. This afternoon I saw Rhonda at school and found out that she had just gotten my message. We talked a bit and decided to meet up at Bethany's basketball game.
After the game, we all went back to their house. Rhonda & Tracy ended up going out to supper, and I stayed with the girls. It was my first time alone with all four of them, and I had an absolute blast!
We had pizza for supper, laughed, played games, laughed some more, got ready for bed, laughed some more (get the picture that we laughed a lot?)... It was just an all around enjoyable night.
As I laid in bed between Neti & Meke (guess I should give some background for those of you who do not know the Waal family - they adopted Neti & Meke, two sibling orphans, from Ethiopia 7 months ago), I couldn't help but feel blessed. Here I was on Valentine's Day with two little arms wrapped around my neck. I just laid there & prayed for them & the rest of the family. God is so good!
Here's a picture we took while in bed. Can you tell we'd been laughing? :-)
Yesterday during Neti's music class, I thought about the Waal family and the fact that Rhonda & Tracy might like a night alone so I called and left a message. This afternoon I saw Rhonda at school and found out that she had just gotten my message. We talked a bit and decided to meet up at Bethany's basketball game.
After the game, we all went back to their house. Rhonda & Tracy ended up going out to supper, and I stayed with the girls. It was my first time alone with all four of them, and I had an absolute blast!
We had pizza for supper, laughed, played games, laughed some more, got ready for bed, laughed some more (get the picture that we laughed a lot?)... It was just an all around enjoyable night.
As I laid in bed between Neti & Meke (guess I should give some background for those of you who do not know the Waal family - they adopted Neti & Meke, two sibling orphans, from Ethiopia 7 months ago), I couldn't help but feel blessed. Here I was on Valentine's Day with two little arms wrapped around my neck. I just laid there & prayed for them & the rest of the family. God is so good!
Here's a picture we took while in bed. Can you tell we'd been laughing? :-)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A Single's Perspective on Valentine's Day
I dread Valentine's Day with a passion! As a single person, I sometimes struggle with the "couple" mentality in today's society - it seems everything is based on 2's or even numbers. Do you have any idea how many times I've been looked at strange or questioned when I ask for a table for one? I do know that many single people do not like to do things alone, but I have decided that it's not worth living a different life - I don't let being single be a hindrance. But...Valentine's Day just seems to shove it in your face. Don't get me wrong...I'm so happy for the people who have found that special love, but I just find myself feeling very lonely which totally stinks!
How do I deal with it? For years, I've protested Valentine's Day and have worn black instead of red. I guess you could say it was my bit of rebellion, but it really only meant something to me. But this year...I've decided to do something different. I'm going to try & embrace it a bit more (may even wear red), and I'm going to take myself out to supper. I've decided I'm not going to sit in my house all alone & eat a meal here at home. Instead I'm going to go out to eat where there are people surrounding me. I'll let you know how that goes. :-)
How do I deal with it? For years, I've protested Valentine's Day and have worn black instead of red. I guess you could say it was my bit of rebellion, but it really only meant something to me. But this year...I've decided to do something different. I'm going to try & embrace it a bit more (may even wear red), and I'm going to take myself out to supper. I've decided I'm not going to sit in my house all alone & eat a meal here at home. Instead I'm going to go out to eat where there are people surrounding me. I'll let you know how that goes. :-)
I started Beth Moore's Bible study on Daniel tonight. I was a little skeptical because I didn't like the first study I did of her's (I actually dropped out part way through because I couldn't handle sitting through the hour long video sessions), but I was pleasantly surprised tonight. I think God has a plan & a lesson He wants me to learn. I'm looking forward to this walk with Him!
Weight Watcher Update
Well...I went in expecting a good week & hoping to reach the 20 pound mark, but I was sadly mistaken. I actually gained 1.6 pounds. I was so disgusted! Oh well! You can't win them all. I'll get back on the ball & hope for a better result next week (although I was very tempted to order a pizza & eat it all).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Taco Bell & Weight Watchers
I have been craving Taco Bell but have been avoiding it because it's kind of high in points. When it has crossed my mind to go, I've never had enough points left to make it worth the trip. So as I was leaving the gym tonight, I knew I still had too many points left to have what my original plan was for supper (I found 1 point hotdogs & am so excited - call me crazy, but that's me). Then it dawned on me that tonight would be a great night for Taco Bell. I grabbed my Dining Out book & began to plan my order. But...as I went through the drive thru, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they now offer the "Fresco" items. These items are in the book, but I've never been to a Taco Bell that had them before. The main difference is that they have a pico de gallo instead of all the other toppings and a little bit of cheese. So for supper, I had a Ranchero Chicken Soft Taco & a Chicken Burrito Supreme (both Fresco style) which totaled 10 points. If I'd gotten the original ones, I'd have used 16. and if I'd have used beef instead of chicken, I'd have used even more points. Taco Bell will no longer have to be avoided. :-)
My New Do
I've been in the mood to do something different with my hair, but I just wasn't sure what I wanted. Jackie, my fabulous beautician, has been after me to cut it, but I just wasn't sure that's what I wanted after growing it out for over two years. But...on Saturday morning, I woke up in a mood and was ready for a change. Jackie was so excited when I came in and told her what I wanted. It's very different for me...I've never had a style like it, but I really like it. So...here's the new me. :-)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
A Life Without Regrets
A friend from Jackson Center sent this to me in an e-mail. I really thought it had a lot to say so I decided to share it. Hope you enjoy it!
Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't (I think I'd like to change this to...Pray for the ones who don't).
Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, be thankful for it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
A Beautiful Song
Steven Curtis Chapman just released a new CD - the first one in three years. Teresa (our secretary at school & a very good friend) told me about his new song, "Cinderella". It's absolutely beautiful. If you have time, be sure to check it out!
Weight Watcher Update
I had a great weigh in this week...5.2 pounds! WooHoo! That puts my total to 17.8 in four weeks. I am very excited, but I also know that it's because I was so faithful to work out last week (5 out of 7 days). So...that's my plan - I need to make sure and get my exercise in because it definitely makes a difference.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Crazy Weather!
For those of you who do not live near me, let me tell you about our day. We woke up this morning to flooding. In fact, we had "Lake Starr" in our school parking lot - so much so that we couldn't park in the parking spaces (some of us parked out front & the others parked along the outer edge of the parking lot). It was a bit crazy! And as if we hadn't gotten enough rain...it poured nearly all day long!
A little before 4:30 tonight, the rain turned into hail. As I got in my car & headed to have supper with Jen, the hail got a bit worse. The farther I drove the hail began to turn into sleet. By the time I got to Rossford, the trees there were covered in ice, and it was now snowing. As Jen & I drove to Perrysburg for supper, it was nearly blinding at times - very hard to see.
So...I went in to work this morning looking at grass (that which was visible through all of the puddles & flooding) and came home tonight to a ground covered in snow. Gotta love that Ohio weather!
A little before 4:30 tonight, the rain turned into hail. As I got in my car & headed to have supper with Jen, the hail got a bit worse. The farther I drove the hail began to turn into sleet. By the time I got to Rossford, the trees there were covered in ice, and it was now snowing. As Jen & I drove to Perrysburg for supper, it was nearly blinding at times - very hard to see.
So...I went in to work this morning looking at grass (that which was visible through all of the puddles & flooding) and came home tonight to a ground covered in snow. Gotta love that Ohio weather!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Marla's Music
Marla Maddox...someone I met a couple of week's ago when Katie, Tim & I practiced in Ft. Wayne at her dad's church. Marla is a friend of Katie's from IWU (Indiana Wesleyan), and since her dad was sick, she was there to open the church and help us set up.
While we were talking & getting ready, she started playing her guitar. Wow! She's great! Come to find out, Marla is quite the musician, and it runs in her family. But...back to her music. Katie was telling us about her songs so she sang one for us. I instantly fell in love with it - the message is powerful!
Marla's posted her music to a website. If you're interested in hearing it, click here. My favorite song is "I Found Life" (listen to it more than once to hear the message).
While we were talking & getting ready, she started playing her guitar. Wow! She's great! Come to find out, Marla is quite the musician, and it runs in her family. But...back to her music. Katie was telling us about her songs so she sang one for us. I instantly fell in love with it - the message is powerful!
Marla's posted her music to a website. If you're interested in hearing it, click here. My favorite song is "I Found Life" (listen to it more than once to hear the message).
Another 2 Hour Delay
There's nothing I love better than the sound of my phone ringing a little before six in the morning (unless it's not Traci's name on my caller ID). Why, you ask? Well...that means we have a delay, and I love delays! :-)
Such a phone call happened this morning and could possibly happen the next two mornings (there's supposed to be fog tomorrow morning & freezing rain Wednesday morning). Ahhh...the advantages of being a teacher! :-)
Speaking of being a teacher, just wanted to update you on the levy & my job situation. I found out the end of last week that I made it safely through the initial round of cuts, but if the levy doesn't pass in March, they are planning on cutting 3 music teachers (I only have 2 below me so I would be the third). Please join me in praying for God's will to be done and for His guidance as I'm traveling this road.
Such a phone call happened this morning and could possibly happen the next two mornings (there's supposed to be fog tomorrow morning & freezing rain Wednesday morning). Ahhh...the advantages of being a teacher! :-)
Speaking of being a teacher, just wanted to update you on the levy & my job situation. I found out the end of last week that I made it safely through the initial round of cuts, but if the levy doesn't pass in March, they are planning on cutting 3 music teachers (I only have 2 below me so I would be the third). Please join me in praying for God's will to be done and for His guidance as I'm traveling this road.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Snow Day = Day #4
Although this only leaves us with one calamity day left, I was really hoping for a day off today. :-) And...we got it. During the night we got several inches of snow along with some freezing rain/ice, and as if that wasn't enough, it's also very windy causing the snow to drift. I love snow days!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I lost another 1.6 pounds this week. Although I was hoping for a little more, I'm still very excited because that brings me to 12.6 for my 3 week total. I won't complain about that.
And just so you know...we did end up having school yesterday (didn't get the predicted snow), but we did have a 2 hour delay due to the low windchills. As I always say...you gotta love a 2 hour delay! :-) The weathermen are predicting another big storm (4-8 in. of snow with wind) to come in after midnight tonight. I'm hoping for a day off tomorrow. If I get it, I'll be sure to let you know. :-)
And just so you know...we did end up having school yesterday (didn't get the predicted snow), but we did have a 2 hour delay due to the low windchills. As I always say...you gotta love a 2 hour delay! :-) The weathermen are predicting another big storm (4-8 in. of snow with wind) to come in after midnight tonight. I'm hoping for a day off tomorrow. If I get it, I'll be sure to let you know. :-)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Well...so far so good. I started to get back on track with my exercise last week (I'm thinking my Weight Watcher week which begins on Fridays...just so you know). I went to the gym both Monday & Tuesday - that was when I nearly killed myself. :-) But...this week has been much better (both in the number of days & how I'm feeling) because I went to the gym Friday, Saturday, Monday and tonight (which is Tuesday). I'm also planning on going tomorrow after school (if we have it...supposed to be getting some bad weather). Five out of seven days is pretty good. Hopefully it'll start showing on the scales as well. :-)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yesterday I went to the gym and made sure to keep my workout at the moderate level. It amazed me the difference. Instead of feeling like I was killing myself, I actually felt good! My only problem...I was up at 6:00 a.m. this morning! And keep in mind...today is SATURDAY!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Weight Watcher Update
I lost 2.4 pounds this week bringing my total to 11 pounds. I'm very happy with that, and it hasn't been too bad. My only "struggle" has been with exercise so I asked about it tonight. Believe it or not...I've been working out too hard. My leader said that the target heart range for fat burning is in the middle rather than at the top. I've been really pushing myself to get my heart rate at the top (cardiovascular level) thinking I was doing more good. But according to her, you actually burn less fat at that level.
So...I'm going to try that this week and see if that solves my problems. I'll keep you all updated. :-)
So...I'm going to try that this week and see if that solves my problems. I'll keep you all updated. :-)
Kitchen Catastrophe
The term "catastrophe" may be a bit strong, but it was a night when I'd have been better off not cooking. :-) Are you ready for this?
The evening began around 9:00 p.m. when I began to make my appetizers for my meetings today (everyone was supposed to bring one or two). I decided to do sweet & sour weenies (a favorite in my family) but take a healthy spin on it. So...I paid a little more to get turkey hotdogs and skinless, low cal sausage and began to cut it up. My plan was to put all of the ingredients in a Ziploc bag (hey Jane...can't imagine why I thought of you!). :-) After the meat was in the bag, I added the mustard & grape jelly. Then I had the bright idea to zip the bag & mix everything up so it was ready to go. All was going well until the bag opened, and over a cup of the mixture spilled out onto my carpeted kitchen floor. What a mess!
So...at 9:30 p.m. I'm in my kitchen spot cleaning the floor with my little shampooer. It took a bit but appeared to be working (although I'll have to do something else because now that it's dry you can see each spot where the jelly fell). After I was finished, I had to clean the machine and finish my original job. I transferred the meat into a different bag, sealed it tightly, and then put it in the fridge.
Then it was on to my second appetizer - a creamy taco dip. I had planned ahead and set the cream cheese out so it was soft. I was so proud of myself! :-) So...I cream the cheese until it's smooth, and the parsley flakes, and then prepared to add the taco seasoning. As I went to open it, I noticed that there was a lot of it at the top so I tapped it a few times to try & knock it down in the package (something I've done before & always saw my mom doing while growing up). However, things didn't go quite as planned. On the third "tap", the center of the package opened sending taco seasoning flying through the air. It went everywhere! And if you've used it before, you know that it's a bit moist...not necessarily dry. So...it was in my hair, all over my face, and clumped on my glasses. I could barely see out of my right lens. I'm telling you...it was EVERYWHERE!
At this point, it was after 10:00 p.m., and I was in no mood so I finished my dip and called it a night. I'll clean it up later!
The evening began around 9:00 p.m. when I began to make my appetizers for my meetings today (everyone was supposed to bring one or two). I decided to do sweet & sour weenies (a favorite in my family) but take a healthy spin on it. So...I paid a little more to get turkey hotdogs and skinless, low cal sausage and began to cut it up. My plan was to put all of the ingredients in a Ziploc bag (hey Jane...can't imagine why I thought of you!). :-) After the meat was in the bag, I added the mustard & grape jelly. Then I had the bright idea to zip the bag & mix everything up so it was ready to go. All was going well until the bag opened, and over a cup of the mixture spilled out onto my carpeted kitchen floor. What a mess!
So...at 9:30 p.m. I'm in my kitchen spot cleaning the floor with my little shampooer. It took a bit but appeared to be working (although I'll have to do something else because now that it's dry you can see each spot where the jelly fell). After I was finished, I had to clean the machine and finish my original job. I transferred the meat into a different bag, sealed it tightly, and then put it in the fridge.
Then it was on to my second appetizer - a creamy taco dip. I had planned ahead and set the cream cheese out so it was soft. I was so proud of myself! :-) So...I cream the cheese until it's smooth, and the parsley flakes, and then prepared to add the taco seasoning. As I went to open it, I noticed that there was a lot of it at the top so I tapped it a few times to try & knock it down in the package (something I've done before & always saw my mom doing while growing up). However, things didn't go quite as planned. On the third "tap", the center of the package opened sending taco seasoning flying through the air. It went everywhere! And if you've used it before, you know that it's a bit moist...not necessarily dry. So...it was in my hair, all over my face, and clumped on my glasses. I could barely see out of my right lens. I'm telling you...it was EVERYWHERE!
At this point, it was after 10:00 p.m., and I was in no mood so I finished my dip and called it a night. I'll clean it up later!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Snow in the Carolinas
On Thursday, my family woke up to see something they aren't used to...snow. Mom was so excited because she misses snow (although she doesn't miss the cold). Harrison was also very excited to go out and play in it, but they were getting freezing rain so Marsha told him he had to wait until it stopped raining. You can imagine how difficult this was for him. So...Marsha being the great mom that she is went outside & brought in a bowl full of snow for Harrison to play with. :-) He loved it until his hands became too cold.
Here's a picture of Harrison & Abigail outside with the snow.
Here's a picture of Harrison & Abigail outside with the snow.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Our All-Day Practice
This morning I was at Tim & Pam's house a little after 8:30 a.m. because Tim & I were headed to Ft. Wayne. Since we took the month of December off, Katie, Tim & I haven't sung together since the last Sunday of November, and we have our first concert of 2008 next weekend.
So...Ft. Wayne is nearly 1/2 way for us so the plan was to meet there and practice. Marla (one of Katie's friends) met us at her church (her dad's the pastor), and they let us use their building. We unloaded some of our equipment...set up...practiced for a couple hours...took a lunch break...practiced a couple more hours...tore down...loaded up the car...then made the trip back.
In all honesty, it was a great day. I really enjoy singing - especially with Tim & Katie so it was great to get together & spend a day like today doing what we like. It was very relaxing!
So...Ft. Wayne is nearly 1/2 way for us so the plan was to meet there and practice. Marla (one of Katie's friends) met us at her church (her dad's the pastor), and they let us use their building. We unloaded some of our equipment...set up...practiced for a couple hours...took a lunch break...practiced a couple more hours...tore down...loaded up the car...then made the trip back.
In all honesty, it was a great day. I really enjoy singing - especially with Tim & Katie so it was great to get together & spend a day like today doing what we like. It was very relaxing!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Weight Watchers
So...I've been doing some thinking and decided it was time for me to get back on track. I really need to take some more weight off - I want to feel more like "me". Last week I took the first step & joined Weight Watchers and am attending the meetings. My friend, Traci, and I are going together so that makes it a easier. I also found out that some others are going - the more the merrier! :-) I weighed in at yesterday's meeting and had lost 8.6 pounds my first week! WooHoo! The first week is usually a bigger number so I won't continue to lose at that rate, but that was a great kick start.
When I was on WW before, I was always successful with it. It's a program that makes sense to me...I can still eat what I like, I just have to be smart about when & how much. If I want a Filet-O-Fish meal from McDonald's, I just have to save the points by making smart decisions the rest of the day (that's what I did this past week...was craving a fish sandwich so I had it). I can't do those diet where you have to deprive yourself of certain foods (which would technically mean that you should deprive yourself of those foods the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off??? No thank you!).
So...I'm on my new adventure. Now I just have to get back into the routine of working out (that's step #2).
When I was on WW before, I was always successful with it. It's a program that makes sense to me...I can still eat what I like, I just have to be smart about when & how much. If I want a Filet-O-Fish meal from McDonald's, I just have to save the points by making smart decisions the rest of the day (that's what I did this past week...was craving a fish sandwich so I had it). I can't do those diet where you have to deprive yourself of certain foods (which would technically mean that you should deprive yourself of those foods the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off??? No thank you!).
So...I'm on my new adventure. Now I just have to get back into the routine of working out (that's step #2).
A Sigh of Relief
Last night was my winter program, and it was such a relief to finally have it done & over with. This year was especially trying (I won't go in to the details in order to protect the guilty parties), but...it went off without a hitch, and the parents loved it. Now...I get to enjoy a 3-day weekend thanks to Martin Luther King Day. Yet another perk of being a teacher. :-)
Monday, January 14, 2008
My Heart
For some reason, God made me with a heart that's tender and very emotional. At times I've appreciated that, but at other times it's led to heartbreak & hurt. During those times, I wish I was stronger and not so emotional. But...I've also come to realize that my weaknesses have led me to be the person I am today, and I know God placed a tender heart in me for a purpose.
With that being said, I'm struggling tonight. I don't want to go into details (it's a matter of the heart), but as I was reading my book, I came across a line that pertained...while my heart may be aching or confused, I should thank God for breathing new life into it. My heart has been dormant the past several months, and the "new life" has been refreshing despite the mixed emotions.
So...at this point, I'm going to thank God. I'll thank Him for the breath of new life. I'll thank Him for giving me a tender heart. I'll thank Him for giving me great friends & family. And...I'll thank Him for giving me a sister with great advice. :-)
With that being said, I'm struggling tonight. I don't want to go into details (it's a matter of the heart), but as I was reading my book, I came across a line that pertained...while my heart may be aching or confused, I should thank God for breathing new life into it. My heart has been dormant the past several months, and the "new life" has been refreshing despite the mixed emotions.
So...at this point, I'm going to thank God. I'll thank Him for the breath of new life. I'll thank Him for giving me a tender heart. I'll thank Him for giving me great friends & family. And...I'll thank Him for giving me a sister with great advice. :-)
I'm Still Alive! :-)
My friend, Ralph, pointed out this weekend that I hadn't posted in over a week. Sorry for the lapse in information, but I've not been feeling the best so I've been taking it easy & spending quite a bit of time in bed. There's not much to tell, but just wanted to let you know I'm still here.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year's Eve
I usually go home after dad's birthday, but we have a longer break this year so I decided to stay. So...dad took mom & I out for supper and then to a movie (I would not recommend "I am Legend" if you're wondering). When we got back, we watched some football & tv. They actually even stayed up 'til midnight with me! :-)
The Weather
It has been cooler, and we've had several days of rain (we actually got over an inch the other day...raised the lake approx. 6 in.). But...here's a picture of Harrison & I on one of the beautiful days. It was in the 60's, and I had to go buy a short sleeved t-shirt because I was too hot. :-) It was rough!

Lake Wylie
Saturday morning, I asked mom & dad to drive me out to Lake Wylie (one of my favorite spots to watch boats & the water). They've been telling me how much things have been affected by the drought, but I wanted to see it for myself. Here are some pictures that show what I saw.
Here's a picture that shows one of the boat launches. Normally they are bustling with activity - especially on a beautiful day like Saturday, but today they were barricaded so no one can put their boats in. They figure the lake is between 6-8 feet below the normal level.

This is a picture of some of the boat docks by T-Bones (a restaurant on the lake where you can dock your boat & go in for a great meal). If you look close you'll see how slanted the docks are because they are lying on the dirt bottom of the lake. Normally the docks are floating high on these posts.

The final picture is of some boats that have been dry docked. Many of the homes around Lake Wylie have private boat docks, but these boats are unable to move now that the water is so low.
Here's a picture that shows one of the boat launches. Normally they are bustling with activity - especially on a beautiful day like Saturday, but today they were barricaded so no one can put their boats in. They figure the lake is between 6-8 feet below the normal level.

This is a picture of some of the boat docks by T-Bones (a restaurant on the lake where you can dock your boat & go in for a great meal). If you look close you'll see how slanted the docks are because they are lying on the dirt bottom of the lake. Normally the docks are floating high on these posts.

The final picture is of some boats that have been dry docked. Many of the homes around Lake Wylie have private boat docks, but these boats are unable to move now that the water is so low.

The Next Few Days...
On the 26th, Harrison, mom & I made the 3 hr. trip down to Goose Creek, SC to pick up Maurine after she got off work that night. Before we brought her home, mom took down her Christmas tree. After the 3 hr. trip back to Charlotte, we got back to mom & dad's house around 12:45 a.m. Although we were ready for bed, the night wasn't over yet because we had to have Christmas with Maurine. :-)
Friday was dad's birthday. That morning, we got up & went to breakfast at Ihop. Harrison was so excited because he told the waitress it was papa's birthday so they came out singing & gave him a sundae. If you know my dad, you know he was less than thrilled with this, but he took it well. :-) I made us supper that night, and I made a carrot cake for his birthday treat. Marsha brought Abigail over so Maurine could see her. They also came over on Saturday, and we all went out that evening to have supper to celebrate dad's birthday.
Thinking back I can't think of anything else that happened the rest of the week, but mom & I were talking about how busy we felt we've been.
Friday was dad's birthday. That morning, we got up & went to breakfast at Ihop. Harrison was so excited because he told the waitress it was papa's birthday so they came out singing & gave him a sundae. If you know my dad, you know he was less than thrilled with this, but he took it well. :-) I made us supper that night, and I made a carrot cake for his birthday treat. Marsha brought Abigail over so Maurine could see her. They also came over on Saturday, and we all went out that evening to have supper to celebrate dad's birthday.
Thinking back I can't think of anything else that happened the rest of the week, but mom & I were talking about how busy we felt we've been.
Christmas Day
The plan was for me to sleep under the tree on Christmas Eve, but he decided we should sleep in our bed (must admit that I greatly appreciated that decision). So there I was sleeping soundly when he woke me up because it was time to get everyone up to open presents. I picked up my cell phone to check the time. Wanna guess? It was 2:30 a.m.! :-) I tried to convince him it wasn't time yet, but he was not easily convinced - I got him to watch cartoons instead (I knew he'd fall asleep). But...that meant that I had the tv on the rest of the night (evey time I tried to shut it off he would wake up) and Harrison woke me nearly every hour to see if it was time yet. :-)
I finally let him start waking everyone else up at 6:30 a.m. We had a very nice Christmas together, and Abigail loved opening her gifts. She thought the tissue paper was the best! My big gift was a digital camera & printer dock from mom & dad. I can't wait to get home & start using it (decided to not open it all up so it's be ready for the flight home).
For lunch, our friends Miguel & Norma came over, and we were able to visit with them for a while. After lunch, Marsha, Jerry & Abigail headed home because Jerry's son & daughter-in-law were coming for supper.
Later that evening, mom, dad, Harrison & I made the 90 min. drive to their house so we could see them open their gifts. Then it was the trip back home (with Harrison in tow).
Although it seemed like a very busy day, it was nice. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have Maurine with us. Unfortunately she had to work both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
I finally let him start waking everyone else up at 6:30 a.m. We had a very nice Christmas together, and Abigail loved opening her gifts. She thought the tissue paper was the best! My big gift was a digital camera & printer dock from mom & dad. I can't wait to get home & start using it (decided to not open it all up so it's be ready for the flight home).
For lunch, our friends Miguel & Norma came over, and we were able to visit with them for a while. After lunch, Marsha, Jerry & Abigail headed home because Jerry's son & daughter-in-law were coming for supper.
Later that evening, mom, dad, Harrison & I made the 90 min. drive to their house so we could see them open their gifts. Then it was the trip back home (with Harrison in tow).
Although it seemed like a very busy day, it was nice. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have Maurine with us. Unfortunately she had to work both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve
I have been trying to send some pictures from my camera, but I've been experiencing some problems. Sorry it's taken me so long, but this (and the next few that follow) will update you on how things have been going here & what we've been up to.
This picture is of Harrison, Abigail & me (AKA Aunt Chelle) on Christmas Eve at church.

Marsha, Jerry, Harrison & Abigail came to mom & dad's place on Christmas Eve so we could attend the Christmas Eve service together. It was a beautiful service, and we had a great time together.
On the way home from church, Santa made his usual phone call to my cell phone to talk to Harrison and let him know his stocking was filled. He was so excited! :-) I love being the aunt with "connections"!
That night found the girls & Harrison going to look at Christmas lights while the men stayed home (and ended up falling asleep).
This picture is of Harrison, Abigail & me (AKA Aunt Chelle) on Christmas Eve at church.

Marsha, Jerry, Harrison & Abigail came to mom & dad's place on Christmas Eve so we could attend the Christmas Eve service together. It was a beautiful service, and we had a great time together.
On the way home from church, Santa made his usual phone call to my cell phone to talk to Harrison and let him know his stocking was filled. He was so excited! :-) I love being the aunt with "connections"!
That night found the girls & Harrison going to look at Christmas lights while the men stayed home (and ended up falling asleep).
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