Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Roller Coaster Called "Life"

Today's one of those days where I have several things going through my head. I feel like it would help to put some of them down in writing (maybe a venting session), but I don't know where to start...I'm feeling a little emotionally overwhelmed.

I guess the best way to describe it would be to say that I've been experiencing a wide range of emotions during the past few weeks. Most of them have been good, but it seems when the "not so good" hit that they throw me for a loop. I kind of feel like I'm on a roller coaster, but I cannot see the track so I don't know what's coming next. Does that make any sense?


Anonymous said...

Makes sense to me, a few things to remember. Please make sure your seat belts and lap bars are pulled tight, hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Enjoy your ride and we'll see you back at the station in 142 seconds. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Ralph is as in never met hime but, am sitting here rolling with laughter at his comment. hehehahaha
Oh and btw found a way to leave comments on here, you can listen and type the word, rock on!!
Love you,