Friday, November 30, 2007

A Lauren Story

Last night I stayed with Lauren while Jodi & Shaun went to a Christmas party. We had a great time together, and as usual, she was cracking me up. She said many funny things & did many cute things while we were together but this one tops them all!

As we were getting ready for her bath, she said she needed to go to the bathroom. She walked over to the toilet, lifted the lid, and just stood there. She then said, "Oops...I forgot I'm not a boy. If I was a boy, I could use my antenna & pee." I called her a silly goose & told her to just go to the bathroom. As she sat on the toilet, she called my name to get me to look at her (I was getting the bath water ready to go), and when I looked at her, she proceeded to motion (the correct motion - I might add) that if she had an antenna she could pee anywhere because pee comes out of the antenna.

At this point, I couldn't hold it in so I cracked up. Jodi, Shaun & I had a great laugh as I retold the story to them. They've never heard her use the word antenna before so they're not sure where she picked it up, but Jodi made sure to put it on paper to put in her book. :-)

I also showed her how to make a beard out of bubbles while she was taking her bath, and she thought it was pretty cool! :-)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

The things children say - Nadine said once last year - oh look mom Rowan has a finger in his diaper, how cute!