Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Levy Update

Let me begin by saying that today ended on a much better note than it started on (and extremely better than I felt around 2 hrs. into the day).

I woke up this morning & came out to check the levy results. Unfortunately our levy did not pass. The good news is that it failed by less than 400 votes, still failed. There had been talks last spring that there would be immediate cuts if the levy failed this fall so I was a little worried about what that meant to me. Although I was trying not to worry, it was very difficult. And then...a teacher (someone strongly associated with our union) came to me, patted me on the back, and apologized. That immediately had me worried! What did she know that I didn't? My stomach was upset the rest of the day.

Then...we got an e-mail after school was out from our superintendent. He said that due to the cuts that happened this summer we will be okay through the end of the year. That was extremely good news and let me take a deep breath! The levy will go back on the ballot (but it will be higher this time) in March. If it doesn't pass in March, cuts will be made for the coming year.

So...I'm safe for now! :-)

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