Sunday, April 29, 2007

An Emotional Mess...

I decided to try & blog because I am so filled with emotions right now that I can't process everything. I really want to just curl up and have a good cry, but I can't even seem to do that.

I had a couple of conversations with people today that broke my heart. Those of you who know me well know that I'm a very sensitive person...I wear my heart on my sleeve some may say. That's not always a bad thing, but it often leads to heartbreak & hurt feelings.

On top of all this, I also tend to analyze things too much (I'm totally opening up to you at this point...letting you know some of my faults...but I figure for most of you it's not anything you didn't already know). So...these two things combined have left me pondering my life this afternoon.

Did I find the answers? Nope! But...I do know one thing...Matt is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will we be rich & famous? Heavens no! But...we love each other and we love God. Those are the two most important things in any relationship!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long it would be ubtil you actually used the "L" word, and look -- twice in one entry.