Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Survived!

(Here comes the music again...) Once I was afraid, I was petrified... How fitting! If you read the previous post, you know about my class reunion that was tonight, and it was better than I had hoped! Thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers! There's no doubt in my mind that they played a large role in tonight's success. Every time I went out to my car, to get a drink, to use the bathroom (basically anytime I wasn't with the group), I would pray & thank God for how the evening was going.

The turnout wasn't as good as they had hoped...only 20-25 graduates showed up, but by the end of the evening every single girl, and even some of the guys, approached me to tell me how great I looked. Several even mentioned that they didn't recognize me. They said they couldn't get over how great I looked and how well my life was going. While we were talking, several of them also mentioned how much they liked me in high school...they said I was always so nice to everyone. That surprised me considering how I was treated, but as I thought about it I realized that some of them didn't actually do the taunting. It was more of a guilt by association...they were there when it happened but never did anything to stop it.

But...I was able to be me, and I left tonight glad that I'd went. Thanks again to those of you who prayed for me! You're all great!

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