Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lauren was Listening!

I got a call tonight from Jodi to tell me what Lauren, my goddaughter, had just said. It constantly amazes me how much she picks up! And...she never ceases to crack me up with her "adult" talk. She's such a sweetie!

Here's the story:

While Jodi & Lauren were in the car this afternoon, Jodi put in Katie's CD. Jodi & Lauren bought it when they came to our concert at church on July 1st. They also came to our concert out at Maumee Bay the first week of August. Anyways...when the song "I've Got Joy" came on, Lauren perked up and asked if that was my song. Jodi said that it was one of the songs they'd heard me sing with Katie. Lauren then asked if they'd heard it at the inside or outside concert. :-)

This just goes to show how careful we have to be around children. They are constantly listening & picking up things in their little heads.

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