Friday, September 28, 2007

My Last Day of Work

Yep...I know it seems quick, but it happened. In & out in four days! I was thinking about staying on part-time because they said they'd work with me, but then things began to change a bit. I was told that in order to remain part-time/seasonal I'd have to work a minimum of one weekend per month, and they'd also like to me work two days a week as much as possible.

This just isn't feasible with me now that I'm touring with Katie. Our 2007 dates are completely booked, and we've started booking into 2008 now. There's no way I could work weekends on top of everything else I do. Plus...I'd like to have a life (although sometimes I tend to forget about that part - it's something I'm trying to work on).

Good news...I have the employee discount for a month. That's 30 days of 40% off. WooHoo! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm Sorry :(
I just learned tonight to ask "Do I need to give up something good to get more time with God?" God has better plans for you! Jer. 29:11 but you already know that!
Don't max out the credit cards trying to get the most out of the 30 day discount! That is something I would do! :)