Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yes...I'm still among the living!

I've had two people now comment on how long it's been since I've blogged so I thought I better post an update before I hear anything else! :-) Although I must admit that it's nice to know people are reading this & care (thanks Jane & Ralph!).

So...where to begin? I guess I do have a lot to say even though I've not taken the time to do so.

Why haven't I been blogging? I've been extremely tired. I think this is due to many factors...1) I've gotten used to relaxing this summer. Relaxing is something I tend to have a problem doing because I always keep myself so busy, but I truly & honestly was able to relax this summer & loved every minute of it. Now that I'm back in school...it's kicking my butt! 2) It's been very hot & humid the past few weeks so our rooms are very warm & muggy. That makes for a very long day & tends to drain the energy very quickly. 3) I'm used to getting approx. 9 hrs. of sleep each night this summer. In order to get up at 6:30, I'd have to go to bed by 9:30. I've not been ready to do that (although I have been in bed between 10 & 10:30 each night which is early for me) so I'm getting less sleep (although I'm still averaging 8 hrs., but my body really needs 9).

How's school been going? It's going well, but as you read above, it's been very warm. The students are so happy to see me, and I've enjoyed their hugs. But...for the first time since I started teaching...I'm not as enthusiastic. I hope as the school year progresses that I'm able to get a bit more excited about things. It's not that I'm not enjoying it, but I'm not as excited about it. I had a fellow teacher tell me she went through the same phase about the same time in her teaching career so I'm hoping it's just that...a phase.

How am I doing? It just depends on the day you ask to be very honest. I'm going through a valley right now so it's been a little hard to see the sunshine, but I know it's there...just up ahead at the top of the mountain. Some of it is just your typical female hormones (ya' gotta love 'em), and part of it is still me trying to deal with my heartbreak. I was telling a friend tonight that I feel like this is so stupid...I know that this was for the best & I know that God has something better planned for me...but...I still let it get to me & bother me. At the beginning of July, I handled it all so well but that was because I was down with mom & dad so I was able to avoid it. I didn't deal with it. Now I'm dealing with it, but I wish I'd deal a little more quickly. Does that make any sense? Even though I know what I know, my heart is still hurting & my emotions tend to take over. I really am alright...I'm just going through a little downtime (sound familiar...it was part of the song lyrics I posted back in August).

What have I been up to? I just had the opportunity to attend the wedding of two of my dear friends from SoloCon this past weekend. Scott & Tammy met last year during the Labor Day weekend SoloCon in Michigan and just really hit it off. It's been so fun to see the love develop between them and to see how happy they both are. There's no doubt that they were meant to be together! It was great to see them this weekend and to be at their wedding. I also had the opportunity to see Don (another friend from SoloCon), and we went out country dancing both Friday & Saturday night. On Sunday, I went to a cookout at Traci & Jeromy's house, and the final day of our long weekend was spent with Traci. We started out by golfing (and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes...I counted 22 bites on my legs - that's not counting the ones on my arms), had lunch, and then did a little shopping. Neither of us really wanted the weekend to end. :-)

So...now that I've bored you all to death with the update...we should be good to go. I'll try to not let another week pass by without a blog! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle
I'm praying for you right now! The valleys, for lack of a better word - really suck! But hey, the Buckeyes won Saturday, which I know brought a smile to your face in this crazy time.

I'm not in a valley quite yet - but I know that at any moment if I'm not careful I'm gonna roll down that hill. God is watching over you and does have such an awesome plan for your life, as he does mine. It is just so hard to remember to be patient, let alone actually be patient. So again I am praying for you!
And I'll see you Sunday! or maybe sooner!
Love ya, Sharon
PS call my husband and harass about the warrant for his arrest issued by the Oregon Police this weekend