Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Weekend Concert

This weekend Katie, Tim & I had a concert in downtown Toledo at New Destiny Worship Center. It was an amazing experience! This is a multi-cultural church (although the majority were black) that is alive & truly worshipping God. We had the opportunity to participate in their praise & worship time before we sang. Following our presentation, the pastor gave his message. It was so powerful & encouraging. I'm so thankful we had this opportunity! New Destiny is shining God's light to people and are relying on His help throughout the entire process. They are going to make a difference in people's lives!

While I'm talking about our concert, I'll give you an update as well. When we began this adventure, none of us knew quite where it would lead. We were definitely unprepared for how quickly things picked up. We've given several concerts to date (I believe Sunday's concert was number 10 since we began in May), and as of today, we already have seven concerts booked between now & December. We also already have two events booked for 2008. It's been an exciting time, and I'm so thankful I've had the opportunity to participate in this! Wow! I feel so blessed!

If you haven't had a chance, check out our website.

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