Friday, July 13, 2007

My Week in Review

As you know, last week found me spending a lot of time in the car. Fortunately that has not been the case the rest of this week. I've been getting up each morning & going to the YMCA to work out. I've been spending between 1 1/2 to 2 hours there each morning (I do 35 mins. of cardio on the bike or elliptical machine, life weights, and finish with a 15-25 min. cardio cool down). The rest of the time has been very relaxing. I've done some shopping and have cooked supper for mom, dad & myself, but other than that...I've just been relaxing & enjoying life.

Tomorrow Marsha would like me to drive to her place to watch Abigail while she packs (they are going to Ohio for a week so everyone can see Abigail). Although it will require me to spend yet another 3 hrs. in the car, I'm looking forward to loving on my little Abra Cadabra and spending some time with Harrison. It'll be the last time I see them before Thanksgiving (which is such a long way away!).

I'll write more later when there's more to tell! :-)

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