Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Workouts Have Paid Off!

In January, I started watching my points (the Weight Watcher program, but I'm doing it on my own) in an effort to lose some weight. I worked very hard at it and really watched, and as a result, the pounds started coming off. It was very exciting each week to step on the scale & see the results.

In June (June 12th to be exact), I started working out at the gym (Lifestyles for Ladies Only). I have been going to the gym 3-4 days a week for six weeks now. They recommend going 5 days a weeks, but I figure that 3-4 is 3-4 more days than I had been going, and on the days I don't go I usually end up doing something to exercise (take a walk, swim, play golf, etc...). During the past six weeks, I've concentrated more on the exercise than my points so the scale hasn't been changing much (in fact I really haven't been watching it much at all).

Today was the six week point (they told me to weigh in & get measurements every six weeks). After all was said & done, I've lost 9.5 lbs. and 6.5 in. in those six weeks. I was so excited, and that gave me the needed encouragement to keep doing what I'm doing. Elliptical machine...here I come! :-)


Traci said...

That's Great! I've definitely noticed a difference and you look fantastic! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you Michelle and you look great! It is not easy to change eating habits let along start an exercise program! Great Job!! Love from me