Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it...(that would make a great song!) :-)

I got a phone call tonight from Matt (the guy from church) to ask me out on a date. Of course I said "yes"! Let me relive the moment for you...

I was at Jodi's house because we were redecorating Lauren's bedroom (it was a surprise for her upcoming birthday). As I was getting my camera out of my purse, I noticed that I had voicemail messages on my phone. As I looked, I realized I had missed not one but four calls. One was from Traci, two were from my mom, and one was a number I didn't recognize. As I listened to my voicemail messages, I quickly learned who the unidentified number belonged to. Yep...you guessed it (or at least I hope you have by now). The number was Matt's cell phone where he had called to ask me out to see a movie.

At this point, I began doing a little dance around Jodi's house singing "I'm going on a date!" over & over. Can you tell I was excited? :-)

So...Thursday is the big day. I'll keep you all posted!

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