Sunday, June 10, 2007

Another Emergency Room Visit

From previous posts, you know that Matt has been battling some stomach problems which have caused him to be in the emergency room several times during the past several months. Well...last night he made another trip.

On Friday night, he started getting sick shortly after we had supper. Unfortunately, it didn't end there. I called him around noon on Saturday only to find out that he'd been sick all night, and it hadn't stopped yet. When this hits him, it hits him hard...he's unable to keep anything down so the stomach acid continues to make him sick which leads to him becoming dehydrated. We talked again a little after 8:00 p.m. He'd just gotten off the phone with his specialist, but he was going to call his family doctor.

Matt's step dad, Rich, called me around 8:30 p.m. to let me know that Barb (Matt's mom) was on her way to the hospital with Matt. I got dressed & met them there. It was a very long night...we didn't leave the hospital until 3:45 a.m. It took them nearly an hour to get to Matt, but as soon as they were able to get an IV in (they ended up giving him 2 1/2 bags of fluid), they were able to draw blood for his tests and give him some medicine for the nausea. Thankfully that kicked in quickly which allowed him to get some rest (he hadn't slept much due to being so sick).

While Matt was sleeping (and while we were waiting for him to get all of his fluid), Barb & I were able to talk. I really enjoyed her openness & honesty - she has always made me feel so welcomed, but last night I began to feel like part of the family (it was cute...she introduced me as "Matt's girlfriend" to anyone who came in the room). We had an enjoyable time together...or at least as enjoyable as 7 hours in a emergency room can be (especially as you see the next day quickly approaching). I found it funny that we were talking about Matt, but he was oblivious. Barb even told me his's so funny! :-) I'm going to wait for the right time to use it & see how he reacts since he doesn't know that I know. :-) It's good to have some inside scoop!

When Matt was finally discharged, he was starting to feel a bit better (he had actually been able to eat a popsicle & keep it down). They sent him home with some of the medicine for nausea hoping that he'd be able to stop it before it got that bad the next time it happens. A friend told me today that he had similar symptoms and found out it was a food allergy. I'm going to have to remember to say something to Matt because they've not been able to find anything else that's causing these problems. It's worth a try!

Today I'm running on....actually...I'm not sure what I'm running on. I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep before I had to get up for church, and I took a nap for a little over an hour this afternoon. Am I tired?'s starting to hit me. I'm glad I don't have to get up early in the morning! But...with all of that being said...I'm glad that I was able to be there with Matt & his mom. It's a choice I'm glad I made, and I'll make it again if I have to.

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