Monday, June 18, 2007

Body Blaster

I've been trying to lose some weight since January. It's going pretty well...I've had some ups & downs (literally), but overall I'm nearing the 35 lb. mark. I knew that in order to feel better, tone up while I'm losing, and speed up the process I needed to start exercising. It's not always what I want to do, but I usually end up enjoying myself & feel better. So...I started going to Lifestyles for Ladies last week. My plan is to get up in the morning & head there as soon as I've had breakfast. Once there, I do 30 mins. of cardio (part of my warm-up) and then they showed me how to use the weights (divided into three sections: upper body, lower body, and abs). Last week I would do my 30 mins. of cardio & then did a different weight routine each day. By Saturday, I could barely get out of bed. My abs hurt the worse followed by my pec & arm muscles in a close second.

Now let's talk about the Body Blaster class I started today. I'll begin by telling you there's a reason it's named Body definitely "blasted" my body today! It's an hour long class that combines cardio & toning. I have muscles in my body hurting that I'm not sure I even knew existed! :-) I am definitely feeling the class (I'm told I should appreciate this pain because that means it's working). :-)

So...I'm off to bed shortly & hoping that I can get out of it in the morning! :-) LOL!

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