Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Matt Update (if you don't really care...just pretend) :-)

Matt called me this afternoon to let me know he'd went to see his doctor. He's feeling better than he did this weekend, but he's still having some minor stomach problems. The doctor said since all of his tests keep coming back normal (which is a good thing) that the only explanation is that it has to be a food allergy. So...he's to be on the BRAT diet for now (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, & Toast...YUM!), and then they'll start to slowly add foods back in. I'm sure it'll be a long process for Matt, but it'll be worth it if they're able to find out what's causing all of his problems.

Please remember Matt in your prayers because he starts back to work tomorrow. For his job, he's outside & moving a lot (sometimes there's even heavy lifting involved). Since he was dehydrated this weekend, he's been pretty run down. Your prayers for him would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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