Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Dose of Reality

Two of my friends have put this on their blog site, and I decided to steal it as well.'s quite true. Being in the teaching profession, I've come to see quite a change in the way our children view their lives. Many who would say they are "neglected" or "have it rough" have no idea what others face. We are so spoiled in the United States.

Don't get me wrong...we have people who are starving & those who are neglected, but for the most part, we have no idea - we're so blinded by reality.

Friends of mine are adopting two beautiful little girls from Ethiopia (they leave on July 6th to go pick them up). These two children are currently living in an orphanage where they are only being fed one meal a day because that is all the orphanage can afford.

I guess when you start to see & hear things like this it just makes me start to think about my life & how blessed I truly am. I hope you enjoy the video & see it for what it really is...reality!

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